mason minute

Chip Shortage (MM #3983)

If you’ve tried to buy a new car or a computer in the last year you know how difficult it can be to find what you want. A computer chip shortage has been felt worldwide for a while now. Some say things should be getting better soon. But others think that this problem could be…

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Good But Not Great (MM #3982)

The Super Bowl is now in our rearview mirror for another year. And, as always, people are still talking about the ads. Many people watch the game for just the commercials. And this year, I thought most of the ads were good but not great. It’s not easy creating something memorable every year, but consumers…

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Celebrate With Chocolate (MM #3981)

Valentine’s Day is here once again. And many people will celebrate with chocolate. That makes perfect sense; who doesn’t love it? But how and when did chocolate get associated with this Hallmark holiday in the first place? There’s no simple answer. Some think the tradition goes back hundreds of years…

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Green Stamps (MM #3980)

Back in my younger days, you could find S&H Green Stamps and Top Value Stamps everywhere. But then, in the 80s or 90s, they just disappeared. I remember all the fun items you could buy with the books of stamps that you collected. As a kid, it was like a treasure hunt…

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Test My Batteries (MM #3979)

I found a bunch of batteries rolling around in a drawer the other day. And I’m not sure how much juice any of them have. That made me wish for the old days when I could go to the grocery store and test my batteries. I mostly use rechargeable these days, but I hate to…

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Multiple Trips (MM #3978)

Recently, going to the grocery store has become quite a chore for many. It seems impossible to do all of your weekly shopping at one time. We’ve found that we now have to make multiple trips each week to locate what we need. And sometimes, we still can’t get everything on our list. Some people…

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Update The Packaging (MM #3977)

I understand that companies sometimes update the packaging for products they’ve been selling for a long time. But when they adjust the look and tweak the product inside, customers can get frustrated. Life is full of changes, but it hits home when it comes to the products we love…

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Wordle (MM #3976)

I think I may be the only person who’s not playing Wordle. Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating, but it seems like everyone I know is playing this online word game. Is it a trend, or is it here to stay? I’ve seen too many of these free games come and go. So, I’m going to sit…

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Book Burning (MM #3975)

Book banning has been in the news a lot lately. And it was only a matter of time before some group decided to do some book-burning, too. And, of course, it happened right here in my backyard. I know that this used to happen a lot, decades ago, but it sure seems like a publicity…

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Quarterly Report (MM #3974)

People who play the stock market are often obsessed with a company’s quarterly report. These quarterly updates don’t usually grab my attention since I don’t keep track of the market. But last week, I saw the news about the latest announcement from Facebook. And something in that report caught the eyes of many, including mine…

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