mason minute

Garbage Cans (MM #3950)

Yesterday, I was talking about your neighbors. One of the ways they can drive you crazy is by not collecting their garbage cans promptly. But sometimes, it’s not their fault. Sometimes we have to blame the trash collectors…

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Your Neighbors (MM #3949)

You have many choices in life. You can choose who you marry, what you do for a living, and even where you live. But you can’t always choose your neighbors. Sometimes you get lucky, and sometimes you don’t. And with so many people moving these days, you can have great neighbors one day and lose…

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Jeans (MM #3948)

Most of us grew up wearing blue jeans. But as we get older, we have to spend more time dressing for success. Dress codes and styles have changed over the years, but our love for jeans remains. But fashion experts have some news for those of us over 50…

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Spell Check (MM #3947)

Back in my younger days, we couldn’t use a calculator. We had to do all of our math by hand or use a slide rule. Kids today laugh about that fact. I even went to school in an era before spell-check. I’m not sure how we survived. At least we had computers…

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Flurona (MM #3946)

Every winter, we have to worry about getting the flu or catching a cold. For the last couple of years, we’ve been concerned with COVID-19. But this year, we have another hazard; flurona. And yes, it’s exactly what you think…

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Pancakes And Sausage (MM #3945)

I’ve talked before about my love of breakfast foods. And lately, I’ve been craving pancakes and sausage. But I don’t think that’s what I really want. I think I may simply be yearning for the memories of what it represents. Okay, and the pancakes, too…

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Bread Bags (MM #3944)

We’re still digging out from the snow we got the last couple of days. It’s the most snow that Nashville has seen in six years. And, of course, that makes me think of my younger days when I used to play in the snow. But of course, like most kids, my mother always made me…

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Watching It Snow (MM #3943)

Yesterday, most of us in Tennessee spent the day watching it snow. Most kids loved it, while the reaction from adults was mixed. I realize that people who like to ski enjoy this winter weather, but what other reason would an adult enjoy it? I’ve dealt with a lot of snow throughout my life, but…

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Coarse Language (MM #3942)

I was listening to the radio the other day and noticed something. Does the coarse language in a song honestly matter anymore? I heard them play a tune that they usually don’t censor, but this time they did. Now, this does have some words we aren’t supposed to say in mixed company, but it’s been…

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Mindfulness (MM #3941)

Many people have started asking how we come out of the pandemic emotionally. People are struggling and are at a complete loss. The world has changed, and they don’t know what to do. Perhaps we should start focusing on mindfulness. And there are so many ways we can do that…

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