mason minute

Watching It Snow (MM #3943)

Yesterday, most of us in Tennessee spent the day watching it snow. Most kids loved it, while the reaction from adults was mixed. I realize that people who like to ski enjoy this winter weather, but what other reason would an adult enjoy it? I’ve dealt with a lot of snow throughout my life, but…

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Coarse Language (MM #3942)

I was listening to the radio the other day and noticed something. Does the coarse language in a song honestly matter anymore? I heard them play a tune that they usually don’t censor, but this time they did. Now, this does have some words we aren’t supposed to say in mixed company, but it’s been…

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Mindfulness (MM #3941)

Many people have started asking how we come out of the pandemic emotionally. People are struggling and are at a complete loss. The world has changed, and they don’t know what to do. Perhaps we should start focusing on mindfulness. And there are so many ways we can do that…

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Little Folders (MM #3940)

When it comes to my computer files, I keep them very organized. At times, it can be a hassle. The beginning of a new year can be frustrating. I spend so many hours creating hundreds of little folders to stay organized. Even though I sometimes need to create just one folder, I still have to…

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Old Wives Tale (MM #3939)

We’ve got our first snowfall of the winter. Luckily, there’s not much, but some will still panic. And the good news, if you believe the old wives tale, we will only have 2 or 3 snowfalls this year. I thought everyone knew about this winter folklore but found out that’s not the case…

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Radio Shack (MM #3938)

I’m not one of those people who often yearn for the good old days. But every now and then, I would love to make a change or two. The other day I was searching for a specific power cable on Amazon. And that lengthy search made me yearn for Radio Shack. Okay, I do admit…

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Rewind And Reflect (MM #3937)

For many, the first day of a new year is a great time to rewind and reflect. But honestly, do we want to do that? It’s been another strange year for many people. And for some, 2021 was more frustrating than 2020. So at this point, perhaps we only look forward…

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Party? (MM #3936)

Today, many people are wrestling with whether they should party or not for New Year’s Eve. Some people are worried about the ongoing pandemic, while others aren’t in the mood. I understand everyone’s struggle. For some, 2021 has been more of a challenge than 2020. For me, the decision to celebrate is an easy one…

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Fresh Pasta (MM #3935)

When the pandemic began, many people decided to start baking bread with their newly found free time at home. But, many have moved on from making bread to something else; fresh pasta. Making pasta is a new obsession for many people. And you might even know someone who got a pasta maker for Christmas…

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School Lunch (MM #3934)

When you spend time with your family during the holidays, you never know what topics you’ll talk about. Sure, we try to stay away from politics, but we often find other things to discuss. Over the weekend, our conversation turned to a unique topic; school lunch pizza…

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