mason minute

Driver’s License (MM #4979)

My nephew, Ty, got his driver’s license the other day. Or should I say, finally got it? He turned 16 last January and wasn’t in any hurry to get it done. He wrapped up driver training and the coursework a while ago but held off on taking the final tests. Many young people today hold…

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Dark And Dreary (MM #4978)

Yesterday was one of those days here in Nashville. It’s not something that happens often, but when it does, you feel it. Yesterday was dark and dreary all day. Time change definitely plays a factor. And, of course, the weather plays into it too. We had a few scattered showers, but it never turned into…

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Try To Sleep (MM #4977)

Doctors will tell you that proper rest is the key to good health and a long life. We’ve always been told we should try to sleep eight hours nightly. But many of us know that getting the proper rest is nearly impossible. Doctors and researchers say that our realistic goal should be somewhere between six…

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The Real Story (MM #4976)

So much of the talk leading up to the election is about the Presidential race. And while that’s a big deal, it’s not the real story this year. Control of the Senate and House of Representatives are likely more important. Very little has been accomplished in Washington over the last 10+ years because of Congress….

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Rudolph And Frosty (MM #4975)

For decades, you know that the holidays are upon us when Rudolph And Frosty hit the small screen on CBS. But after 50+ years, they’re making a move to NBC. In recent years, when most TV programs leave one of the major networks, they usually move to one of the streaming services. But that’s not…

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Do Nothing (MM #4974)

It’s taken me a long time, but I’ve come to appreciate alone time, when things are quiet. It took forever, but I now understand the desire for solitude. I don;t know if this is just my world, or if it’s everyone’s situation, but there are times when I just want to sit around and do…

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Bake Sales (MM #4973)

You hear people talk about how much simpler life was in the good old days. In many ways, that’s true. It’s easy to get nostalgic as we age. Recently, I was thinking back to my good old days. And I often wonder why some things we remember fondly seem to disappear. Perhaps they haven’t, and…

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Love Note (MM #4972)

I’ve never considered myself to be a typical romantic. I’m not the kind of guy who buys my wife flowers regularly. I don’t go all out for Valentine’s Day. But every year, on November 1st, I put together a love note for my wife. This year, it marks our 27th wedding anniversary. And while most…

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Strange (MM #4971)

Recently, I’ve noticed something strange just after sundown. People seem to forget how to drive. Driving around Nashville is always challenging as we grow by leaps and bounds. But this is something different. People are afraid to change lanes, have a hard time making turns, and drive at a consistent speed. This issue is something…

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Extended Holiday (MM #4970)

When I was younger, Halloween was a celebration that lasted a few hours. If lucky, we might have a party at school and then a few hours of trick-or-treating. Over the years, many have added a weekend party or two. But now, Halloween has turned into an extended holiday. But is it really a holiday?…

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