mason minute

Rich And Famous (MM #4949)

Many people have dreams of being rich and famous. And while it sounds good in theory, it’s not easy to be either or both. Through the years, I’ve spent a bunch of time hanging out with celebrities. Some play music, others are actors, and some are just rich. And I’ve learned that it’s not easy…

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Dining Outdoors (MM #4948)

I know I’m oversimplifying this, but there are two types of people: those who like dining outdoors and those who don’t. I’m only kidding, but perhaps I’m not. Even as a kid, I never enjoyed eating outside. I don’t know why. I’ve done it hundreds, maybe even thousands of times, but given the option, I’ll…

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Best Before (MM #4947)

For decades, products have had expiration dates. However, many companies are vague about the shelf life of their products. Rather than use words like expires by, they use best before or sell by. However, consumers can interpret these words in different ways. California has passed a law that goes into effect in 2026 to change…

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Better Known As (MM #4946)

For many years, I’ve had an issue when people use the word friend. What does it mean? There are varying levels, so what constitutes friendship to you might differ for me. Because we’re friends on Facebook, are we really that in the real world? I lost a friend, or acquaintance if you prefer, late last…

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Big Mac (MM #4945)

The Big Mac has been one of McDonald’s most popular sandwiches for over 50 years. Initially created to compete with the Big Boy Double Decker Burger, it went nationwide in 1968. The sandwich was an immediate hit. Known for its catchy jingle in the 1970s and its secret sauce, the Big Mac, has never left…

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Paywall (MM #4944)

For years, people have been saying that free content on the internet is going away. It’s always referenced as sometime in the next five years; content will be going behind a paywall. Many newspapers and magazines have already made the move. Since you have to pay for subscriptions to the physical product, it was a…

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Office Culture (MM #4943)

The other day, I discussed Amazon’s return-to-work mandate, which will take effect in January. Their decision could help other CEOs do the same. A new study says that nearly 80% of major corporation CEO’s think that all companies will do away with the hybrid work model. Many claim that people working from home has hurt…

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Dead Mouse (MM #4942)

I had to take my car in for a repair yesterday. I wasn’t sure what was causing the problem. When I turned my defroster on high, it sounded like a jet airplane taking off. I expected it to be the blower motor or perhaps the housing around it. I’m unsure how all that works under…

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Get Gas (MM #4941)

There are some things we do that we give thought to them. These are simple things that you’ve done thousands upon thousands of times. But then, one day, something changed. I get gas at least once a week. I’ve done that nearly every week, sometimes more, sometimes less, for over 45 years. Usually, it’s the…

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Lights On (MM #4940)

It’s been decades since I took driver’s ed, but I still know the rules of the road. Through the years I’ve held a driver’s license in seven states, and most of the rules are the same in most. But late last week, I wondered if others remembered the rules. We left for Indiana on Friday…

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