mason minute

Chapter 11 (MM #4929)

Rumored for months, it finally happened this week. Legendary storage container company Tupperware filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. Famous for their at-home parties, Tupperware has struggled for years. As the world changed and everyone started shopping at big box stores, Tupperware held out, refusing to change. They reached their peak in the 1960s. However, women…

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Superbugs (MM #4928)

Years ago, I contracted a staph infection in my eye. And the one thing I learned from my doctor was that they had to guess the type of infection to create the antibiotics to treat it. I got lucky, and they cured the infection and saved my eye. My doctor explained how these viruses happen…

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Brain Cancer (MM #4927)

For decades, people have claimed that radiation from cell phones could cause brain cancer. Because the technology is constantly evolving and still relatively new, there was no definitive answer to determine whether we should be concerned. Over the last 30 years, researchers have conducted over 5,000 studies to come up with a definitive answer. The…

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Cable And Satellite (MM #4926)

Over the last few decades, you had numerous ways to view the programming if you wanted to watch something on TV. Cable and satellite television are often needed to watch more than just your basic local channels. But streaming services have changed everything. Right now, some are predicting satellite’s demise, and perhaps cable. The companies…

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Too Early (MM #4925)

Is it too early for stores to start putting out their Christmas decorations? My wife and I went to Walmart the other night, and they already had five or six aisles filled with holiday decorations. For some, it’s never too early to start putting them together. Others think stores should at least wait until after…

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Chocolate Chip (MM #4924)

My wife and I have been together for roughly 30 years. And there’s not much about her that I don’t know. I learned early that her favorite ice cream was chocolate chip or the mint version. She gets one scoop of each whenever we go to the ice cream shop. But ice cream flavors often…

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Cloning (MM #4923)

Recently I was up late, watching TV. I think I was watching one of the streaming apps, when a commercial came on from a company that is cloning pets. For a minute, I thought it was some SNL skit, but it was an actual commercial. With prices starting at $1600, they can clone one of…

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Threats (MM #4922)

For as long as there’s been high-profile crime, there’s been copycat versions. But this week, my news feed has been filled with stories about young students making threats, online or in person, at schools across America. Experts think these situations are being triggered by last week’s school shooting near Atlanta. Many say it’s a cry…

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Continue To Struggle (MM #4921)

For many people, September 11, 2001, changed their lives permanently. And I’m not just talking about people from New York. Even though it’s been 23 years, many of us still struggle with what happened that day. While we shouldn’t be shocked that our enemies tried to attack us, it’s all that has happened since then…

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Cows And Ducks (MM #4920)

Car culture is a unique experience. We all have different ways of identifying with people who share our passions. I’m not sure how cows and ducks came to be a part of creating a community, but they have. Last year, I talked about Jeep Ducking, where Jeep owners leave rubber ducks for others who share…

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