mason minute

Too Hot To Sleep (MM #4906)

It always happens this way. Just when people think the weather is starting to get cooler and Fall may come early, we get hit with a heatwave. For much of this week, we expect to have highs near 100. While the daytime heat is no fun, I hate it at night. And it’s not really…

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Frustrated (MM #4905)

Middle Tennessee basketball fans were frustrated yesterday. If you wanted to watch the Little League World Series championship game on ABC, you couldn’t. The Nashville affiliate, WKRN, opted to run a Tennessee Titans preseason game in its place. Usually, when something like this happens, the local TV station runs a message across the bottom of…

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Real Sugar (MM #4904)

No matter what you call it, soda, pop, or soda pop, we all know that experts tell us it’s one of the worst things we can put in our bodies. It can be regular or diet, it doesn’t matter. Some say the versions we used to drink years ago, while still not healthy beverages, weren’t…

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Boredom (MM #4903)

I doubt that this will shock you, but we have a problem with boredom in today’s society. Our attention span continues to get shorter. A couple of weeks ago, here on the podcast, I talked about all the time I spend scrolling. Research shows that we become bored because of all of the fast-forwarding and…

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New Favorite (MM #4902)

Have you seen the commercial for the new Sonic Smasher hamburger? It has the theme of a press conference talking about how they think it will be your new favorite burger. Of course, for many, it may simply be commercial hype. But there’s an interesting message behind the commercial that’s pretty deep. A favorite is…

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The Latest Trend (MM #4901)

Social media has occupied my life for nearly two decades. I make my living from it and spend much of my free time creating content, too. It’s definitely changed since the early days when most people spent time only on MySpace. Yes, social media has become much more political, and that’s both good and bad….

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The Perfect Relationship (MM #4900)

For thousands of years, humans have been searching for the perfect relationship. Of course, perfection is in the eye of the beholder. But if the divorce rate is any indication, many are still searching. There are no shortcuts and no easy theories. And even if you think you’ve found the perfect person, have you? Is…

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Kickoff (MM #4899)

Football fans have been paying close attention to this year’s preseason games. During the off-season, NFL owners agreed to new rules for the kickoff. They’ve adapted what the XFL used a couple of years ago. So far, reviews are mixed. Some love the changes, while football purists already hate them. The overall goal is to…

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Music Clearance (MM #4897)

If you’ve ever wondered why some of your favorite TV shows and movies aren’t available on the streaming services, it often has a common reason: music clearance. Whenever a TV show or movie wants to include popular music, producers have to get approval from the songwriters and performers of those songs. Music clearance is what…

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French Fries (MM #4896)

I’ve never considered myself normal. So, go ahead and judge me. I have no problem admitting that I don’t like french fries. Now, perhaps you’ll understand when I explain. I used to enjoy fries, but they’re not as good as they used to be. Whether they’re from a world-famous fast food joint, a diner, or…

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