mason minute

Bagels (MM #4875)

We all have weaknesses. One of mine is carbohydrates. They don’t like me, but I sure do like them. One of the perks of working at my office is that we usually get bagels for the whole office at our big Tuesday staff meeting each week. And while I try to limit my weekly intake,…

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Mick Jagger (MM #4874)

Whether you enjoy trivia or not, most of us know a few strange facts that might seem random to others. For example, I can tell you that Mick Jagger from The Rolling Stones turns 81 today. I don’t usually keep track of celebrity birthdays, but I’ve known this little fact for decades. Since we share…

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Scammers (MM #4873)

One of the downsides of the internet is that it’s filled with scammers. All these people do is find ways to separate you from your money. And social media hasn’t helped. Most platforms give these crooks more opportunities to harass you. Facebook has a big problem with fake users. Criminals create fake profiles and then…

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Getting Older (MM #4872)

Like many, I have mixed feelings about getting older. The upside is just living another day, let alone another year. I try not to consider the downside, but it’s hard to escape. The random aches and pains that seem to last longer can be frustrating. But for me, the one thing that reminds me just…

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Politics (MM #4871)

Like many people, I’ve been glued to my TV and trying to keep up with all that’s happening with the Presidential race in the last ten days. I usually try to stay away from politics here on The Mason Minute. It’s a habit I learned long ago in the news business. I’m sure I could…

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Friend (MM #4870)

If you look it up in the dictionary, the definition for the word friend states something like a person you know with whom you have a bond of mutual affection. But since the dawn of social media, that definition has changed. Our social media connections are now often considered friends. It’s been that way since…

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Dine-In (MM #4869)

My wife and I go out to eat less often than we used to. Years ago, we used to eat out 5 or 6 nights a week. But in the last few years, it’s been the reverse. Now, we usually dine at home 5 or 6 nights a week. And it’s not the same when…

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Cake (MM #4868)

When it comes to dessert, I’m a simple guy. I don’t need anything that’s set ablaze; something simple like cake, pie, or ice cream will work for me. But perhaps I need to rethink cake. It used to be simple, but now, everywhere I turn, people are creating cakes in all shapes and sizes. And…

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Space Race (MM #4867)

The space race between the US and Russia in the 50s and 60s was a big deal. At times, our landing on the moon seems like it happened a lifetime ago, but at other times, it feels like it was yesterday. Getting to the moon was a considerable priority, but many lost interest shortly after…

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Self-Evaluation (MM #4866)

I’ve often said that I’m my own harshest critic. I know my strengths and weaknesses after so many years in the workforce. Even after all these years, I still make every effort to improve myself. Like most companies, mine does an annual performance review. And part of that process includes a self-evaluation. I’ve done this…

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