mason minute

Time (MM #4865)

Time is something we can’t escape. From the moment we first understand the concept as a youngster to the second we draw our last breath, it’s always on our mind. But how do we know that a minute is truly a minute or an hour is actually an hour? We have to assume that the…

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Age Spots (MM #4864)

Some things come with age that are good, such as wisdom. But sometimes, there are more negative aspects of aging. Of course, the aches and pains are a given. And another thing that’s difficult to avoid is lentigo. When I was younger, I remember many called them liver spots, but today, most refer to them…

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Shocking (MM #4863)

For the last day and a half, the word I keep hearing on television is shocking. People are shocked by the attempt on a former President’s life at his rally on Saturday night. But for many who, like me, were alive in the 1960s, the events that transpired in Pennsylvania aren’t surprising. While I was…

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Bedbugs (MM #4862)

Growing up, I remember hearing the old saying, “Sleep tight. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.” As a child, I didn’t understand what they were talking about. When I was older, I learned the hard way that the little critters really did exist. For the most part, by the time I was born, they were mostly…

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Butterflies (MM #4861)

I don’t think about it often, but the world has changed so much since my younger days. And I think about the changes my parents have seen in their lifetime. It’s amazing. Some are obvious, while others might not be noticeable. Significant changes in life include television, the internet, and cellular phones. But there are…

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Over-Tourism (MM #4860)

Nashville has been a part of my life since my first unplanned visit during my freshman year of college. And it’s hard to believe I’ve lived here for 17 years. It’s the longest I’ve lived in one place throughout my lifetime. And a lot has changed through the years. Nashville barely resembles the town I…

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Limitations (MM #4859)

Yesterday, I was thinking back to the days when I was fearless. And it’s not just me. When we’re young, almost nothing will stop us. If we want it bad enough, we’ll do whatever it takes to try to achieve it. Sometimes, that lack of fear is just foolishness. But as we get older, we…

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Fearless (MM #4858)

Age gives us perspective. At least, that’s what I try to tell everyone. Looking back at my younger days, I’m amazed at how fearless I was. Perhaps it’s naïveté, but we don’t have as much fear when we’re young. Or, as I think back, we lack common sense. Many things I’d try or do when…

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Olympic Qualifiers (MM #4857)

The Olympic games begin in less than three weeks. But some athletes still don’t know if they will make the trip. In the US, we just wrapped up Olympic qualifiers for some of the most high-profile sports, like track and field and gymnastics. In Europe, basketball teams are still playing to see if they’re heading…

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Write A Check (MM #4856)

Banking is in a constant state of change. While checking and saving accounts still perform the same functions, how you access your money has changed over the years. For the longest time, if you wanted to purchase something at a store using your bank account, you’d write a check. However, that began to change with…

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