mason minute

Clowns (MM #2629)

Are clowns starting to disappear? To clarify I’m talking about real clowns, the ones with makeup and a red nose. Clowns were everywhere when I was young, but they’re very hard to find today…

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Not Available In Stores (MM #2628)

Way back in my younger days you’d see TV commercials for items not available in stores. In essence they were usually crazy gadgets or special record albums. But today not available in stores has taken on a whole new meaning…

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Vacation Time (MM #2627)

For kids across the US it’s their favorite time of year. Obviously, it’s vacation time! Of course I remember the days of being excited that I had nearly 3 months with no hassles. Now, I can’t even imagine taking a vacation for a couple weeks let alone a couple of months…

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Self Checkout (MM #2626)

It seems that more and more stores are going the self checkout route.  And while I definitely like to do things myself, I think I need to rethink my position on checking out…

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Understaffed (MM #2625)

Lately I keep hearing that unemployment is at an all time low. And while that may be true, I wonder why restaurants, stores, and gas stations are always understaffed.  Do they not have enough people to fill these jobs?

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No Explanation (MM #2624)

Over the weekend I got into a discussion with my nephews about last week’s Indiana school shooting. The boy asked lots of questions. Some of their questions were easy to answer. But sadly I had no explanation for the BIG question…why?

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Festivals (MM #2623)

It’s Memorial Day, and many towns across the US are having some sort of festival. But sadly, most of these festivals have nothing to do with honoring those who gave their life for our freedom…

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Blackouts (MM #2622)

Obviously, we all know that television has become big business throughout the years. When I was growing up there were TV blackouts for many sporting events. Today local TV blackouts are less frequent, except in one state…

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Humidity (MM #2621)

It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity. How many times have we heard that old adage? Obviously, humidity is a fact of life for most southerners even outside of the summer months…

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Research Studies (MM #2620)

I honestly love research. I don’t know when I became so interested, but I read everything I can about research studies. And I’ve noticed one thing, you can usually find at least one pro study and one con study on any subject. Somehow I have a feeling money talks…

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