mason minute

Grapes (MM #4855)

There are some things in life you don’t think about. These things have always been around and will be long after you’re gone. A perfect example is grapes. I couldn’t tell you the first time I ate grapes, but I probably had them in jelly form the first time. And like many adults, I’ve enjoyed…

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Hawaiian Punch (MM #4854)

Hawaiian Punch was a special treat if you’re a child of the 60s, 70s, or 80s. And while it’s still available today, kids don’t seem to care as much. Today, they have so many more options. But if you’re like me, there was about Hawaiian Punch that bothered you; it never seemed to stay cold….

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More Sports (MM #4853)

You’ll start seeing more sports on your television in the coming months. Warner-Discovery announced they’re adding more college sports coverage on TNT, Tru TV, and TBS. While many games move to streaming services and apps, cable channels are trying to add more games to their lineup. College football and basketball draw good ratings, and that…

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Shooting Off Firecrackers (MM #4852)

While many people today are focusing on our democracy and independence, there are still some who only care about things that go boom. Some people care about grilling out, while others enjoy having a day off from work. But many only care about shooting off firecrackers. Make no mistake. They don’t care about the fireworks…

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Next Pandemic (MM #4851)

It seems like yesterday that we were all home-bound due to COVID-19. And even though it’s been two years since life started returning to normal, the virus continues mutating. Researchers fear that our next pandemic could happen soon and want us to be better prepared. The Bird Flu, which we’ve heard about for the last…

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Tired Of Upgrading (MM #4850)

While I love technology, I’m tired of upgrading all the time. And while the constant spending is a hassle, that’s not the real issue for me. I’m more annoyed by the time it takes to set up your new equipment as you want. It can be a smartphone, computer, or TV streaming equipment. The constant…

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Thousands Of Hours (MM #4849)

One of the best parts about the internet is the amount of information you can find about any subject. Along with all of the written data, you can find an immeasurable number of images plus thousands of hours of video and audio. At one time, I believed all available media would eventually be found on…

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Saving Receipts (MM #4848)

I admit I’m obsessed with saving receipts. It’s something I’ve done for decades. If I can get a receipt, I’ll take it. It gets placed in my bill box. At the end of each year, I put that box away in storage. I even get receipts for the simplest things. Over the weekend, my wife…

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Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (MM #4847)

It may seem silly, but cookies are very personal things. They’re more than just a simple snack. While you can’t go wrong with chocolate chips, there’s something special about oatmeal raisin cookies. I realize that they’re a very polarizing choice. You either love them or you hate them. I’m not ashamed to admit I’m a…

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Jump On The Bandwagon (MM #4846)

If you love sports, you have a favorite team. The sport doesn’t matter; we all have some we cheer for and a few we root against. But the worst kind of sports fan is the one who will jump on the bandwagon of a winning team. It’s easy to pull for a winner. Usually, it’s…

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