mason minute

Everyone Is Biased (MM #2542)

Recently I’ve heard so many people want to offer their unbiased opinion on a host of topics.  But we all know that everyone is biased in some way.  We truly can’t control our biases.  There are many factors that influence our thoughts and feelings.  And there is no doubt that includes our biases.  We can try…

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Sunny Days (MM #2541)

Have you ever noticed that the sunny days that follow periods of cloudy days seem brighter? I know it’s not true, but it sure feels that way. The sunny days that follow, cloudy, rainy, or snowy days are the best…

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People Are Outraged (MM #2540)

To me, more people are outraged about life in general these days. I was too young to notice, but the climate of the 1960’s might have been worse.  Today, almost any subject will offend someone. Does the rise of social media help magnify our outrage, or have we all been this angry all along?  And…

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Listening Options (MM #2539)

For podcasters like me one of the biggest challenges is to make sure you can listen when and where you want. With podcasts you have so many listening options. Now we’ve found a way to make it even easier to listen if you have an Amazon Alexa. All you need to do is activate the…

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More Subscriptions (MM #2538)

Our life is filling up with more and more subscriptions. I remember when the only things we subscribed to were magazines and newspapers…

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Another Phone Scam (MM #2537)

I was talking with my father yesterday. He called to tell me about another phone scam that someone tried to pull over on him….

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Goodbye Kmart (MM #2536)

We’ve finally said goodbye Kmart here in Nashville.  I know that most people truly don;t care anymore, but it makes me sad.  Of course I still get nostalgic when I think about the good old Blue Light Special…

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Sponsorships (MM #2535)

Sponsorships are truly a huge part of major sports. For NASCAR fans like me they’ve always been part of the game. But in all honesty, I’ve never really cared about who sponsors what…

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Balance The Calendar (MM #2534)

I really hate the month of February. Even though the weather usually stinks that’s not what drives me crazy; it’s the calendar. Surely we could balance the calendar and give February 30 days, couldn’t we?!

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Mowing The Lawn (MM #2533)

I was sitting in my home office yesterday and all of the sudden I heard a ruckus.  It was someone in the neighborhood mowing the lawn.  What?!  It’s only February….

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