mason minute

Worldly (MM #2502)

I’ve always felt that I was a fairly worldly person. Okay, I may not be the most sophisticated, but I’m definitely very shrewd and practical. But am I really?

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Age Spots (MM #2501)

There are many things we can do to slow down the aging process. But no matter what we do, we can’t avoid, wrinkles, thinning hair, and age spots…

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Movies On Cable (MM #2500)

We now have thousands of cable channels and dozens of streaming services at our disposal. You can find movies on cable all the time. So why do some once popular movies disappear?

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One Hit Wonders (MM #2499)

I was listening to XM radio the other day and stumbled upon their one hit wonders channel. I never realized how many of these songs I loved, and had in my music collection. In fact, I actually have a ton of these songs…

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Royal Family (MM #2498)

The British royal family is in the news again. I’ve never understood why Americans care.   Although, the fact that I’m talking about it must mean something…

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Desk Space (MM #2497)

When you work for yourself your desk space is usually anything you want. That space is unlimited until you literally run out of room…

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Watching More Football (MM #2496)

I’m not a very big football fan. But for some reason I’ve been watching more football this year. And that’s posing a bit of a problem…

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Stupid Pranks (MM #2495)

Stupid pranks are something that young people have done throughout history.  Most are harmless, but sometimes they cross into dangerous territory. It looks like putting Tide Pods in your mouth is one of the more dangerous stupid pranks…

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Stir Crazy (MM #2494)

Winter weather has again wreaked havoc on Middle Tennessee.   Many schools and businesses have been closed for days.  And of course after a few days many people including my wife are going stir crazy. For me, since I usually work from home it’s business as usual…

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Replacement Parts (MM #2493)

We now live in a disposable world. It’s easier to replace something than repair. But every now and then you want to track down some replacement parts…

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