mason minute

Jump On The Bandwagon (MM #4846)

If you love sports, you have a favorite team. The sport doesn’t matter; we all have some we cheer for and a few we root against. But the worst kind of sports fan is the one who will jump on the bandwagon of a winning team. It’s easy to pull for a winner. Usually, it’s…

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Last-Minute Changes (MM #4845)

I often wonder if the world around me changes so much that I usually don’t notice or if I’ve changed. No matter the situation, there always seem to be last-minute changes. Is this new, or is this me? I don’t think I’m the only one who deals with this regularly. I think it’s now simply…

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Electronic Pricing (MM #4843)

Like many companies, Walmart is always looking for more ways to be efficient. At least, that’s their description. Many feel they constantly seek ways to cut personnel costs and increase profits. However you look at it, they’ve announced that they will soon be making a change in thousands of their stores. They plan to move…

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Your Thermostat (MM #4842)

In many homes, it’s something that can lead to a lot of arguments. What’s the best setting for your thermostat? Finding the right temperature for everyone is a challenge. Some care about their comfort, others only care about the cost. The government wants us to think about the power grid, and the U.S. Department of…

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Grapefruit (MM #4841)

Recently, I’ve noticed that people have been saying bad things about grapefruit. I’m confused. Have people always disliked it, or is this something new? For many, it’s associated with dieting. But is that any reason to give it a bad rap? While it’s not something I think about for snack food, I enjoy it with…

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The Neighborhood (MM #4840)

Last weekend, I was out running errands. And as I was driving through the neighborhood, I saw something I hadn’t seen in years. I saw the ice cream man. It was a beat-up old van, but all the pictures of the frozen treats he was selling brought back memories. Like many, I loved it when…

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Record Breaking (MM #4839)

Experts say we could have record-breaking heat this summer. It will likely involve the number of days with highs in the 90s here in Nashville. We’ve already been dealing with 90-degree weather for the last few weeks. And now that Summer is officially here, it isn’t going to get better. I prefer hot weather to…

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Double Elimination (MM #4838)

My wife and I were watching the college baseball World Series, and she asked me why it was a double-elimination tournament. I had no idea, so I searched for the answer. There are hundreds of stories about how double-elimination tournaments work, but no explanations for why. I can think of numerous examples in the baseball…

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Traffic Lights (MM #4837)

As Nashville grows rapidly, the congestion on our roadways keeps getting worse. Experts say much of our problem is related to lack of public transportation. And while that is a factor, our constant construction isn’t helping. I’ve discussed this before, but I think our traffic lights are also part of the problem. I often find…

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Internet Safety (MM #4836)

Did you know that June was Internet Safety Month? Don’t worry, I didn’t either. When I first read about it, I wondered if we were concerned with safety for teenagers or senior citizens. It’s hard to believe I’ve been online for almost 30 years. It seems like only yesterday when we were still using dial-up…

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