mason minute

Every Intention (MM #4835)

The weekend is over, and I got very little done. I had every intention to get to some of the small projects on my to-do list. My wife was out of town, so it seemed like the perfect opportunity. So what did I get done? Very little. I ran all the errands I needed to,…

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Bones (MM #4834)

When I worked in radio, I did my best to stay updated on pop culture. That often meant checking out TV shows that didn’t interest me but were popular with my listeners. With as much media as I consume, I only miss a little. But occasionally, a show comes along that I never check out…

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That Smell (MM #4833)

Due to all my sinus issues, I don’t have the best sense of smell. But there’s one thing I never have a problem noticing: the smell of death. You only need to smell it once because that smell is always there. In our area, it’s usually an animal, often a deer, hit on the roadway….

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Limiting Speed (MM #4832)

Limiting speed in our vehicles could be a reality very soon. And I’m not talking about limiting how fast your car or truck can go. It’s about ensuring your vehicle doesn’t exceed the speed limit. While the possibility upsets a lot of people, some are warming to the idea. A California Congressman recently tried to…

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Sadfishing (MM #4831)

The term sadfishing may be new to you, but if you’ve spent time on social media, you’ve likely seen it. You might even be guilty of this yourself. Sadfishing is something that people do to elicit a response from their social media followers. It’s often a cryptic cry for help. Now, the person doing this…

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Outraged Fans (MM #4830)

Outraged fans have been taking to social media for the last few days. They’re upset about a few things in the sports world. First is Caitlin Clark’s omission from the women’s Olympic basketball team. While she’s taking the high road, others are going to extremes to express their displeasure. In addition to that controversy, yesterday,…

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Death Threats (MM #4829)

At this stage in life, it takes a lot to shock me. But I read something the other day that stunned me and made me question just how unhinged our world is becoming. And this has nothing to do with politics. The story was about baseball. It was a discussion about the numerous death threats…

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Cell Phone Ban (MM #4828)

Many school boards across the country are having serious discussions. They want to institute a cell phone ban for students. The school systems feel that smartphones offer too many distractions. Text messaging and social media apps are causing too many distractions for students in class. Many school systems thought this would be a slam dunk…

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Alligators (MM #4827)

Even though we live in the city, we have critters all around us. Things like deer and skunks are almost commonplace. Every now and then, we’ll hear stories of wolves and bears nearby. That doesn’t happen very often, but when it does, we’re not that surprised. Fortunately, there are some animals we haven’t had to…

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Saying Farewell (MM #4826)

I’ve spent a lot of time around famous people throughout my life. And it must be rough. Even though being a celebrity, musician, TV star, or actor gets tiring, they never really want the adoring fans to disappear. Saying farewell is difficult. Final tours for famous bands can last for years. Pat Sajak announced he…

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