mason minute

Harmful Chemicals (MM #4825)

It seems that every time I open my news reader, there’s a new story about some food recall. So much of what we eat or drink is filled with harmful chemicals. Is this a new problem, or does it seem worse since we now get worldwide news as it happens? Often, these recalls are a…

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Ad Break (MM #4824)

If you spend a lot of time on social media, you’ve likely encountered a feed filled with ads. Even though everything you do online is tracked, and the sites make money from your data, they want more. That’s why you see more of them every day. So what more can they do to annoy you?…

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Cola Wars (MM #4823)

If you drink soda or pop if you prefer, you’re probably familiar with the cola wars. This battle has been going on for decades between Coke and Pepsi. Most people fall into either one of the two camps. You’re either a Coke person or a Pepsi person. But the cola wars are on hold, at…

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More School (MM #4821)

The school year has wrapped up for more students here in Middle Tennessee. And the last thing many kids want is more school. Now, I’m not talking about summer school. But I noticed a trend around town. Most churches that conduct vacation bible school every summer now do it the week after school ends. It’s…

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High Beams (MM #4820)

I’ve been driving for a long time. But I can close my eyes and still remember my first driver’s test like it was yesterday. I spent hours pouring through the test materials, ensuring I knew all the rules of the road. No matter where we live, the tests are very similar. But I’m amazed at…

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Standing In The Sun (MM #4819)

I often think back to my younger days and some of the silly things I did. Okay, I did some stupid stuff, too. When we’re young, we don’t think about the future. I’m reminded of this every day when I pass our local water park on my way home from work. I always see kids…

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Stay Back (MM #4818)

I’ve long wondered why dump truck companies are allowed to put signs on the back of their trucks telling you they aren’t responsible for damage to your vehicle if something flies out of their back end. We’ve all seen the signs that say ‘Stay Back 200 Feet’. Because Nashville is growing quickly, construction vehicles are…

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Watching Cartoons (MM #4817)

The other day, we mentioned that Cartoon Network was programming less to kids and gearing much of the day toward adults. Youngsters just aren’t watching the cartoons like they used to. It makes sense that the MeTV network is launching a channel devoted solely to classic cartoons. It will launch in late June and targets…

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Tattoos (MM #4816)

Throughout my lifetime, tattoos have grown in popularity. When I was growing up, the only time you saw one was on grizzled old Navy vets. Today, they’re almost everywhere. Roughly one-third of Americans, men and women combined, have at least one. However, researchers in Europe warn that anyone with a tattoo has an increased chance…

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Cut The Cord (MM #4815)

As TV viewership continues to shrink, the cost of cable TV continues to rise. We often hear stories of those who opt to cut the cord rather than pay for channels they don’t want. High-speed internet has made other viewing options possible. However, younger people still opt to avoid the programming networks created for them….

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