mason minute

Too Tired To Sleep (MM #2249)

I’m feeling like an old country song. Actually, I’ve been feeling too tired to sleep lately (which IS an old country song). My body has finally said; enough…

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Backyard Fence (MM #2248)

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that we have a backyard fence around our new house. Of course, that fence is already starting to cause me huge issues. Our HOA says that I need to fix my fence. And I can’t find someone who wants to do the job…

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Real News (MM #2247)

Lately, there has been a lot of talk about fake news. But I’m actually more concerned about real news coverage. These are important times and I’m still seeing too many feel good stories…

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Binge Watching (MM #2246)

I’ll admit, I watch too much television. But now, thanks to binge watching I don’t feel I’m wasting as much time with the boob tube…

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No Sick Days (MM #2245)

There are no sick days when you’re self-employed.  I’ve been fighting this cold for a week now and I’m trying to get as much work done as I can. But all my body wants to do is sleep.  Of course, I’ve tried to explain that to my body but I don’t think my body cares…

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Nursemaid (MM #2244)

My wife tells me I’m not very fun to be around when I’m sick. At least I don’t get sick very often. Luckily over the years, my cats have played nursemaid. That is until Bizzie came to live with us…

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Cough Medicine (MM #2243)

I continue to fight this cold. I’ve got a lot of congestion and I cough a lot. So I decided to go to the store and get some cough medicine…

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Old Tech (MM #2242)

You probably have some old tech lying around your house. Yet if you’re anything like me old computers, cameras, and cell phones are tough to part with. Some people have no problem reselling their old tech. Of course, since I’m a bit of a pack rat selling has never been my style…

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Fast Food Menus (MM #2241)

I really don’t eat much fast food anymore. Like many, I grew up on the stuff but try to stay away. But, have you seen fast food menus lately? Every restaurant has a HUGE menu…

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Flying Cars (MM #2240)

We will have flying cars in our future. I’ve been hearing this my entire life. Movies, cartoons, and of course science fiction have been preparing us. But are flying cars truly in the offing?

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