mason minute

Take Your Keys (MM #2198)

When you get out of your car, do you take your keys with you? I didn’t realize that people really had an issue when remembering their keys. Well, in Nashville they sure do…

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Taxi Cabs (MM #2197)

My wife and I were driving down the road the other day and she had a question about taxi cabs. Are they really taxis or are they cabs? And more importantly, does it really matter?

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Gullible People (MM #2196)

We live in a very cynical, skeptical world. But with that said, the number of gullible people that still exist truly amazes me…

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Appreciation (MM #2195)

We all had classes in school that we just hated. For some people it’s math or science. For me, music appreciation and art appreciation were those classes. I truly love music and art!  I just didn’t like types of music and art my professors wanted me to appreciate…

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Simplest Things (MM #2194)

Sometimes it truly is the simplest things that make us happy. One of my favorite restaurants in Indianapolis has arrived in Nashville. But, I just found out that it’s been here for a year!

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New Paint (MM #2193)

We all know that some new paint can change the look of just about anything. Recently I noticed that they were painting a Nashville hotel, again.  And every time they paint it, the hotel truly does look different.  I’m not sure what the inside looks like anymore, but the outside looks great…

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Guard Rails (MM #2192)

You can tell a lot about a city by the condition of its guard rails. Just drive down the highway or interstate and you’ll find out how people drive. In Nashville, we have a lot of mangled guard rails, and a lot of bad drivers. This is no coincidence…

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Looking For Chips (MM #2191)

Today is the 6th anniversary of The Mason Minute. And I really haven’t learned much about my listeners. One thing I do know you’re still looking for chips…

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Tour Guide (MM #2190)

We have friends come through Nashville every now and then for a visit. And if it’s their first time in town I usually end up playing tour guide. And for me, giving tours can be a bit stressful…

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Work Week (MM #2189)

I think way too much about work. Why is the normal work week Monday through Friday? Why is the work week 5 days for most people?

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