mason minute

Flag Flying (MM #4814)

It’s Memorial Day here in the United States, which kicks off a six-week period where we celebrate three of the biggest flay flying holidays. I’m fascinated that we celebrate Memorial Day, Flag Day, and Independence Day in roughly six weeks. While some fly our flag year-round, many only put it on display for the patriotic…

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BBQ Season (MM #4813)

Many consider Memorial Day weekend to be the unofficial kick-off to summer. And that means BBQ season is underway, too. Or should I write it as barbecue season? That’s another podcast for another day. I don’t cook out much anymore. We haven’t had a grill for years. I know a lot of folks who love…

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Double Dose (MM #4812)

If you live throughout the Midwest or South, you’re likely dealing with an immense amount of noise. This year, we’re getting a double dose of cicadas. I’m no expert, but if I remember correctly, the 10-year and 17-year brood are back simultaneously. When one brood returns, the noise is deafening. And with double the number…

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Long Weekend (MM #4811)

For many, the Memorial Day weekend is a three-day celebration. The concept of a long weekend isn’t something I’ve dealt with through most of my life. Growing up, my father never got an extended holiday. He usually worked six days a week and rarely got holidays off. When I worked in radio, it took me…

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Bus Stop (MM #4810)

If you head to work during the morning commute, you like to pass by a bus stop or two. Some may be for the city bus if your city has that service. But no matter where you live, you will likely encounter some kids waiting for the bus to take them to school. And I’ve…

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Attracted (MM #4809)

Recently, I’ve been wondering why we’re attracted to some things versus others. And I’m not talking about our attraction to other people, although it does fit my question. I’m thinking about things like music or our hobbies. Often, our passions connect to those around us who share similar interests. If your grandfather loves baseball, it…

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Making A Decision (MM #4808)

For some people, making a decision, no matter what it is, is difficult to do. It may be the way that they’re wired. But recently, more people seem to be afraid to make decisions. It didn’t used to be that way. Why are people so fearful? I’ve never had this problem. Decisions aren’t always permanent….

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History (MM #4807)

It’s graduation season across the USA. One of my nephews graduated from college a couple of weeks ago, and one of my nieces will graduate from high school in a couple of weeks. At this point in my life, it’s hard to remember my school days. It’s been a long time since I cracked a…

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Annoying People (MM #4806)

Yesterday was a frustrating day. No matter where I was going or what I did, I ran into annoying people. And I mean that both figuratively and literally. On the highway, everyone was in a hurry, except for the people who were on the road to get in the way. We had to do some…

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Free Refills (MM #4805)

I can’t remember the first time a restaurant offered free refills for their beverages. Back in the day, coffee and tea came with refills, while things like Coke and Pepsi didn’t. But over the last few decades, that changed. Most fast food and quick service restaurants offer unlimited refills on everything but alcohol. As I’ve…

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