mason minute

Expensive Light Bulbs (MM #2148)

I just bought some very expensive light bulbs, on purpose. I’m upgrading many of my lights using those new wireless light bulbs and they’re amazing. These new bulbs are my first stab at connecting my home and turning it into a smart home.

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Infrastructure (MM #2147)

Politicians discuss many issues in Washington. But few talk about our infrastructure. The Governor of Tennessee recently spoke about our roads and bridges, and that pleased me.  But sadly there’s not a lot of good news on the subject.

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Shopping Trip (MM #2146)

I want to do something different today. I’m in the mood for a shopping trip to Atlanta. That makes sense to me, since most stores shouldn’t be very crowded.  And the roads should be pretty calm too.  I’m betting everyone there will be a bit busy with something else; the Super Bowl. But, we are…

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Album Artwork (MM #2145)

Back in the heyday of the LP, people would pour over their album artwork for hours on end. I was a cassette kid and album art didn’t matter that much to me.  But now, I’m obsessed with album art even though it’s not much bigger than a postage stamp on my iPod…

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Laugh (MM #2144)

Have you been laughing enough lately? I could use a good laugh right now. But because of all of the division in our country nobody seems to be laughing…

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Cables And Cords (MM #2143)

Back in the good old days we yearned to have a killer stereo. It took me awhile, but I final found that great sound. But now we just need cables and cords to connect all the pieces. Technology has definitely changed our search for sound, but sadly not always for the better…

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Craziest News (MM #2142)

There are been a lot of crazy things in the news recently. But I think I read the craziest news I’ve seen in a long time yesterday! And this news had nothing to do with politics…

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Making Copies (MM #2141)

Thanks to technology I don’t use my printer or copier much any more. Most of my reports and proposals are only digital. But lately I’ve been making copies for one of my clients. I’ve been using my printer so much that I had to go out and buy a new printer cartridge…

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Where You Are From (MM #2140)

I’m not trying to create some sort of political discourse, but I ask the question; does it matter where you are from? Genealogy is important to some, but how much does it really matter? Does finding out your heritage make you a different person?

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Dusting Or Trace (MM #2139)

Last night the TV weather people said that we are going to get a dusting or a trace of snow today. Is there a difference between a trace and a dusting? Even if there is a difference, would you know? I think that they’re just trying to induce panic…

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