mason minute

Cut The Cheese (MM #2138)

I realized something the other day when I was heading to the kitchen for a snack. If I cut the cheese before I put it on a plate, I always eat too much. It’s too much hassle if there are leftovers…

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People Costs (MM #2137)

Job creation continues to be a topic that is on everyone’s mind. But what most companies don’t want to talk about is people costs. We can’t create more good jobs or any jobs if businesses keep cutting people to boost profits…

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Squeaks And Creaks (MM #2136)

When you move around, you realize that every house has it’s unique sounds. After awhile we adapt to squeaks and creaks in every new house we live in. But wouldn’t you expect the same squeaks in similar houses?

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Interesting Times (MM #2135)

Lately I’ve heard a lot of people exclaim that these are interesting times. I understand what they’re trying to say, but are these really interesting times? The times may be interesting, but so are many other moments in our lives…

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Topsy Turvy (MM #2134)

I can’t really explain it, but it feels like everything right now feels topsy turvy. Are you feeling that way too? It’s life, it’s work, it’s everything. Now, it’s not bad, it’s just weird….

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Veer Right (MM #2133)

Why do people have problems when trying to turn left? I notice too many people who first veer right before making their left turn. Driving isn’t that difficult; or it shouldn’t be…

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Closing Early (MM #2132)

I can’t figure out why a business posts it hours then for some reason ends up closing early. I understand that ‘stuff” happens and there are emergencies, but closing early for no good reason? That drives me crazy…

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Under The Covers (MM #2131)

Recently I saw a video on Facebook where a cat was playing under the covers.  There are thousands upon thousands of cute pet videos online.  But can I get my cat to play under the covers?

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Old And Wrinkled (MM #2130)

Today’s podcast isn’t making a political statement.  We’re honestly talking about becoming old and wrinkled. People tell me I don’t look my age.  But my hands are the first thing that give my age away most of all. They’re looking a bit old and wrinkled…

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45 Degrees (MM #2129)

I know that this is going to sound crazy, but work with me here. I think that 45 degrees is actually the worst outdoor temperature. No, it’s not 10 below, but I do have an explanation…

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