mason minute

Wide Right Turn (MM #4804)

I’ve noticed these signs on the back of big trucks for years. They usually read this vehicle makes wide right turns. Sometimes, you get stuck behind one, but it’s a minor inconvenience. That all changed when I started driving during rush hour. As the city grows, Nashville traffic is getting worse. And I often encounter…

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Argument (MM #4803)

There’s been a long-running argument over whether hamburgers and hot dogs should be considered sandwiches. But did you know there’s also a long-running discussion about tacos and burritos being considered sandwiches? I’ve never contemplated that but have eaten thousands of tacos and burritos through the years. While the burger and dog argument has yet to…

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Speaking Of Skunks (MM #4802)

Yesterday, I was talking about skunky beer. Today, we’re speaking of skunks, or technically, I’m focusing on a skunk. We’ve had one visit our backyard nightly for the last week or so. It shows up just before dark, and it’s obviously looking for something to eat. Our backyard is fenced in, but the critters found…

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Skunky (MM #4801)

You understand what skunky means if you’ve ever drank a glass of stale iced tea or perhaps a nasty mug of beer. Part of the reason I stopped drinking beer decades ago is because I had too many skunky beers. But the one thing worse than that is stale iced tea. Now, if you drink…

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Armored Cars (MM #4800)

We all have little quirks that make us who we are. For some, they’re fears and often irrational. For example, I have a fear of being around armored cars. Technically, I guess we should call them armored trucks. Now, I don’t freak out, but I do my best to get away from them as quickly…

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Tough Day (MM #4799)

It’s Mother’s Day. For many, it’s a day to honor our mother and remind her that we care. Of course, I can argue that we should look at every day throughout the year similarly. But while it’s a day to celebrate, it is also a tough day for many. For anyone who has lost their…

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Bachelor Party (MM #4798)

One of our nephews is in Nashville this weekend for a bachelor party. When he told us he was coming, I only had one question: Why Nashville? I’m no expert when it comes to the subject, but I have been to some of the top party towns across America. And while I love Nashville, I…

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Simple Bracket (MM #4797)

No one ever said that simple was easy. A few weeks ago, one of the brackets that hold up the handrail on the steps leading to our second floor broke. If you have a staircase in your house, you know the one I’m talking about. It’s made of brass or some alloy that looks like…

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Straight-Line Winds (MM #4796)

Many parts of the country have dealt with tornadoes over the last few days. The warmer weather and severe storms often make for a troubling combination this time of year. I remember going through tornado drills when I was still in grade school. While Nashville has experienced numerous tornadoes over the last few years, the…

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The Backyard (MM #4795)

Many people like to spend time in the backyard during this time of year. It could be gardening, hanging out with friends, or even grilling out. While I enjoyed spending time outdoors in my younger days, my allergies mostly keep me indoors today. I spend very little time in the backyard. But I can watch…

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