mason minute

Hurricane Season (MM #2027)

I loathe hurricane season. I know, it really shouldn’t effect me since I live in Tennessee, but it does. The majority of my family live in Florida, and you know the story there…

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Standard Sizes (MM #2026)

Thanks to technology, we all want things that are customized for our personal needs. But there are some things that should only come in standard sizes; like toilets. I’ve talked about toilets way to much lately, but I noticed something strange when we moved into our new house…

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Beer Songs (MM #2025)

Some songs are more memorable than others. But sometimes you remember a song for the wrong reasons, like beer. These beer songs can get stuck in your head.  And that can be both a good thing and a bad thing…

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Software Update (MM #2024)

Software update. Two simple words that by themselves are fine, but when combined cause angst in amazing ways. I know, because I hate updating software.  Anytime I update some of my software I know that are are going to be changes I’ll hate…

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Reflection (MM #2023)

I’ve always been a person who was prone to deep introspection. But as I get older those feeling really become more reflection than introspection. That’s both good and bad…

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Bank Fees (MM #2022)

All I have to do is say the words bank fees and my blood starts to boil. I’m betting that most people feel the same way. I understand that banks have to make money, but sometimes the logic of these fees make no sense to me…

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Random Notes (MM #2021)

Do you ever experience hearing random notes of music, and it triggers a memory of some old song? I’ve had it happen a few times recently.  I don’t know why, but I can just hear a couple or random music notes or even some small chord progression and it triggers a memory for some song…

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Crusty Bread (MM #2020)

I’m truly a simple guy. I truly don’t want toooooo much in life. But I know one thing that I’d really love to have right now; a few pieces of crusty bread. It can be French bread or Italian bread, it doesn’t matter. Because of my desire (and more importantly my doctor’s desire) for me…

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My Celebration (MM #2019)

I’ve never been a person who cared much about their birthday. I’m not sure why, but it’s not a big deal. My celebration happens every year on October 1st. It’s not my birthday. It’s a day truly MUCH more important…

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Bad Timing (MM #2018)

My wife and I thought we had everything perfectly planned. But like so many moves, we were victims of bad timing. Our cable and internet have moved before our furniture. We had everything perfectly planned on our end, but…

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