mason minute

Movie Sequels (MM #1934)

Movie sequels have become a part of our movie going experience. Some are good, maybe even better than the original movie. Some…. perhaps most, nowhere near as good. Many are talking about the new Ghostbusters movie. I encountered another movie sequel last week that I wanted no part of…

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Slower Pace (MM #1933)

People who don’t live in the south always think that things run at a much slower pace below the Mason-Dixon line. Of course, that’s a bit of a myth. Cities like Nashville don’t run at a much slower pace than big cities up north. But, there are still some places deep in the south that…

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Breaking Your Routine (MM #1932)

In a way, life is just a series of routines. And one of the hardest things to attempt is breaking your routine. And we all know how difficult that can be. They say that you have to do something 18 times in succession to change your habit. I’m not so sure, but we’re about to…

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Ability To Speak (MM #1931)

I’m a verbal person. I get that from my dad. That’s why we both went into broadcasting. Some people struggle with the ability to speak to others. And now thanks to technology I think the problem is getting worse. Now that people can easily interact with others without actually speaking to them the ability to…

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Fireworks Lovers (MM #1930)

Fireworks have always fascinated me. Actually, the excitement I see in those who are fireworks lovers is what really interests me. I usually keep my distance though, from both fireworks and the people who love them so much. But naturally, since today is the biggest day for fireworks I am wondering something…

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Cookout Time (MM #1929)

It’s the 4th of July holiday weekend, and for many that means it’s cookout time. But since I’m a curious guy, I started wondering why cookout this weekend? Does the holiday lend itself to more time for cooking out, or is there something else?

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Delete Button (MM #1928)

I’ve worked with computers for a long time. And one key on the keyboard that often puts fear into people is the delete button. You have to get past the fear. Once you do, it’s all good. Wel, at least most of the time…

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Recall Notice (MM #1927)

We got a recall notice the other day. It seems that now days the mail just brings bills and bad news. As a kid I looked forward to checking the mailbox everyday. But that’s not the case anymore…

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Favorite Teams (MM #1926)

Yesterday we talked about how social media often causes us to magnify our feelings about topics. We definitely see than when rooting for our favorite teams. Sure, it’s easy get excited about our favorite sports when we’re sharing online. And that really happens when our favorite teams are winning…

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Magnified Feelings (MM #1925)

I’ve noticed lately that social media tends to cause our feelings to appear magnified. These magnified feelings always appear when beloved celebrities die, or when we’re talking politics. Sure, we all have feelings about these events, but are we truly sharing how we feel?

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