mason minute

Feeling Anxious (MM #1986)

I’ve been feeling strange lately. I don’t know if I’m feeling anxious, filled with anxiety or something else. But I do know that I get to feeling this way every year about this time. I think I’ve I got back to school blue, even though I haven;t gone back to school in over 30 years…

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Morning Paper (MM #1985)

Yesterday we were talking about the birth of the internet. And that caused me to think about how the internet has changed the role of the newspaper. Growing up we spent a lot of time reading the Sunday papers. My father always read 3 papers on Sunday. It seems like its been years since I…

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Life Online (MM #1984)

I spend a lot of my life online. It seems like the internet has been around forever, but it’s actually just celebrating it’s 25th birthday. I didn’t go online on the first day,  But I hopped on board quickly.  After having spend time on networks like Prodigy and Compuserve it didn’t take me long to…

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Supply And Demand (MM #1983)

Wise men and women say that it’s important that we keep learning as we get older. Recently I’ve been learning about supply and demand. Now I didn’t really need to learn much more about the subject, I’ve always understood the concept of supply and demand.  But lately I’ve moved up to a doctoral level class…

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Forgetting Words (MM #1982)

I often feel I could write a book about the hazards of getting old. We all experience these things, like forgetting words. I can be in the middle of a conversation and all of the sudden I can’t remember one simple word. It just escapes me. And there’s not much I can do about it…

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Spice Things Up (MM #1981)

It’s time to spice things up. You know what time it is! It’s time for pumpkin spice products to appear on store shelves once again. It amazes me how many new pumpkin spice products there are each and every year…

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Obligatory Photos (MM #1980)

Social media has given us many things.  Things like obligatory photos.  You know the photos I’m talking about. Most of your friends are posting them. And I really believe that the only reason these photos exist is because of social media exists…

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Nowhere To Hide (MM #1979)

Do you feel that there’s just nowhere to hide? Technology forces us to stay connected ALL the time. I know that I should learn to shut that technology off, but it seems like that’s just not possible anymore. Staying connected is truly how I stay in business.  And at times that can be frustrating…

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Decluttering Again (MM #1978)

We’re getting ready to move.  Of course  that means I’ll be doing some decluttering again. Is decluttering even a word? I realize that I’m a bit of a pack rat, but I have to admit that I do like my stuff….

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Football Weather (MM #1977)

I’ve always wondered why the football season begins in August. Isn’t it usually the hottest month of the year. It’s definitely not football weather to me. When I think back to my younger days I always remember how my friends used to hate going to football practice when the weather was so hot and muggy…

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