mason minute

Flat Tires (MM #1914)

I’ve been thinking about flat tires for awhile. And when my wife got a nail in her tire the other day it made me wonder once again. How is that possible? It’s not like there are nails sitting in the road with their pointed end sticking straight up. I realize that once the nail gets…

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Carpenters (MM #1913)

Today’s podcast isn’t about needing someone to do handy work around the house. We’re talking about the famed music duo, The Carpenters. They were huge stars in the 70’s. The other night I stumbled upon a documentary about their career. And I realized something….

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Bachelor Cooking (MM #1912)

I enjoy cooking. My wife will be quick to point out though, that I don’t ever cook anymore. She’s out of town, so I have to cook. But it’s bachelor cooking. You know what bachelor cooking is don’t you? Anything that’s quick, easy, and requires very little clean up…

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Neighborhood Watch (MM #1911)

They recently created a neighborhood watch program in our little Nashville subdivision. It’s the first time we’ve ever taken part in a program like that. Now that could be viewed as both a good thing, or a bad thing. It all depends on how you look at it…

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Greatest Nation (MM #1910)

With the violence that happened in Orlando over the weekend, everyone is talking about America. Well, at least people in the US are talking. We’ve always viewed ourselves as the greatest nation in the world, but I truly wonder what the rest of the world is thinking right now…

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Uber And Lyft (MM #1909)

Car services like Uber and Lyft are becoming more popular every day. And while I’m no fan of cab drivers, these services have introduced a new traffic problem that will probably just get worse…

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Changing Wiper Blades (MM #1908)

I’ve been changing wiper blades since before I could drive. It was one of the tasks my father trusted me with back in the day. But something has changed. Now it seems you need a PhD to change something that used to be so simple….

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Parking Garages (MM #1907)

I know that they freak some people out, but I’ve never really had any issues with parking garages, until yesterday. The day I got stuck in a parking garage. And when I mean stuck, I mean unable to exit! It was the strangest thing. And the ‘solution’ was even stranger…

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Driverless Cars (MM #1906)

Everywhere you turn, on TV, the internet, even in newspapers people are talking about driverless cars. The technology is here, but there are some questions that have yet to be answered. And these questions could change the world more than these driverless vehicles will…

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Photo Shoot (MM #1905)

I took part in a photo shoot the other day for a project that I’m working on. I tried to use an photo, but they wanted something recent, and business like. I don’t have many occasions to wear a suit anymore, but there was something very different about this photo shoot…

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