mason minute

Store Coupons (MM #1946)

I have many friends and relatives who are coupon people. I used to be a big couponer, but it takes so much time and effort. I do use store coupons every now and then, when it’s convenient. But sometimes these store coupons make me laugh…

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Anniversary (MM #1945)

It’s my anniversary. No, not my wedding anniversary. I know that’s coming up in November. Last week I started get emails congratulating me on my anniversary. But I didn’t have a clue what anniversary these people were talking about. Had I missed something?

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Home Office (MM #1944)

If you work out of a home office you definitely have to be focused and dedicated to your work. But some people just can’t handle all of the distractions. And these distractions aren’t like the ones you see in a regular work place….

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Fruits And Vegetables (MM #1943)

Everywhere we turn we’re told we need to eat more fruits and vegetables. Have you ever met a doctor who didn’t say that to you regularly? But it’s tough! I enjoy fruits and vegetables, but they simply just don;t fill me up. And that’s the worst part…

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Fast Forward (MM #1942)

I realize that many of my problems are just first world problems. The other night I couldn’t fast forward through one of the programs I recorded on my DVR. I truly understand that with everything that’s going on in the world, I should get over it and move on. Give me sixty seconds and I’ll…

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Heading South (MM #1941)

It’s vacation time, and some of our friends and family are heading south this month. An old Ohio co-worker and his family are vacationing here in Music City, while much of our Indiana family is heading to further south. Both my brother-in-law and sister-in-law and the respective families are making the trek to Florida to…

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Connect With Friends (MM #1940)

Social media has truly changed the way we connect with friends. Before social media came around, it was much easier to lose touch with old friends. But now, friends who live far away seem like they’re still just down the road. And that makes things much different when you do get together…

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Pokemon Go (MM #1939)

I’m not a game player, but I am enjoying the new Pokemon Go game. Now I haven’t actually played it, I just enjoy watching the people who are playing. I’ve seen a ton in the last few days and they all look like zombies on the hunt…

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Weekend Protests (MM #1938)

There have been many rallies surrounding the recent police shootings in Minnesota and Louisiana. Were these weekend protests raising awareness? Protesters were making noise, but what I didn’t hear was people offering potential solutions…

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Brand Loyalty (MM #1937)

Many say that baby boomers are loyal to the products they use. But that brand loyalty has gone out the window since those companies stopped caring about us. In today’s world it’s ALL about profits, and sadly that means loyalty is long gone…

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