mason minute

Summer Begins (MM #1895)

It’s Memorial Day, and for many people that means summer begins today. And while I understand why people want to focus on summer fun, I wish they’d think more about what today really means. As I’ve gotten older I’ve truly come to appreciate the importance of what today means…

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Weekend Road Trip (MM #1894)

I love taking road trips. Every now and then we’ll pack up the car and hit the road for a quick trip. We almost started out on a weekend road trip yesterday, and it was for an odd reason…

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Falling Asleep (MM #1893)

I may go to bed late at night, but I don’t often have trouble falling asleep. But that changed recently. Now it could be that getting older thing, or maybe even a little stress. But I actually think it’s something really strange…

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Tanning Bed (MM #1892)

Everyone’s talking about the rise in skin cancer and how we need to avoid UV rays if at all possible. But if the tanning bed located next to my mailbox is any indication there are a LOT of people who still aren’t very worried. Maybe I’m just paranoid because I’m a pale skinned old guy…

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Brushing Your Teeth (MM #1891)

The other night I was brushing my teeth and wondered when I started using hot water rather than cold. Do you use hot water when brushing your teeth? Is hot better than cold? Does it matter? Oh the things I wonder…

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Penalized (MM #1890)

Usually when you do something in advance you get rewarded in some way. Often, it can be some sort of discount or perhaps some type of bonus. Recently I was actually penalized for renewing my driver’s license early. I wonder why…

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No Change (MM #1889)

Sometimes it’s the little things that bring you joy. The other day I went to the eye doctor and they told me there would be no change in my prescription this year. I know it’s not that big of a deal, but as you get older, you actually get excited about news like that…

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Do Me A Favor (MM #1888)

There’s one phrase that my father can say to me or even write to me in a letter, and it always makes me shudder. That phrase is; can you do me a favor. Fortunately it’s never a bad thing, and it’s always going to be something odd. Like just the other day…

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Broken Chips (MM #1887)

I don’t know many people who don’t love potato chips. But I can honestly say I don’t know anyone who likes broken chips. Technically they’re the same thing, but we all know that they’re not. I would think at this point there would be some sort of technology to take care of it…

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Sodastream (MM #1886)

I broke down and bought one of those SodaStream beverage machines. It wasn’t about soda, it was all about the sparkling water. We can all use more water in our diet. But I quickly found out something…

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