mason minute

Peanut Butter (MM #1795)

It’s a pretty universal fact that most kids love peanut butter. Me, I like it, but even as a kid I never loved it. But for some reason these days, I now crave peanut butter all the time. What’s up with that?

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Changing Logos (MM #1794)

I’ve been involved with marketing for a long. From my radio years to the decade I’ve been in the music business. And there’s on thing that always amazes me; why companies are constantly changing logos. Does it really work? I’ve rarely seen the proof…

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The Common Cold (MM #1793)

It happens to all of us, about once or twice a year. It’s our old friend the common cold. And while I understand why it’s called the common cold I truly don’t understand why we can’t, or won’t cure something that’s well, common….

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Separate Beds (MM #1792)

I messed my back up the other day, so I’m sleeping in a chair until it gets better. There’s something about sleeping propped up that makes it better. I think I need separate beds. You know, my regular bed and one of those Craftmatic beds for when I throw my back out…

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Walking Alone (MM #1791)

If you know me at all, you know I’m not a huge fan of exercising. I should do a whole lot more of it, but I don’t. But I realized something the other day. It’s easier to walk in a group than it is walking alone. An I don’t know why that is. Could it…

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Proofreading (MM #1790)

I’ve been working on a project with one of my clients recently and it’s involved a lot of proofreading. And while we’ve been proofreading, I’ve come to a big realization. I’m not very good. I tend to see the words that should be there rather than actually are there. Is that some sort of talent?

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Aggregate Materials (MM #1789)

There’s something about living in the south that I’ve wondered about since I moved south for the first time in the late 70’s. Who do people use aggregate materials for their sidewalks and driveways? I really wonder about this every time the snow starts to fall… I

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Every Saturday Night (MM #1788)

There’s a moment every Saturday night where I reflect on my youth. Saturday night was a strange night when I was growing up. It was strange because of what was on TV. Because every Saturday night I remember that back-to-back TV juggernaut of the Lawrence Welk Show and Hee Haw…

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How Are You Doing (MM #1787)

Whenever we run into someone we don’t often see we usually say “how are you doing”. But do people really care about the answer? There is a second question that tells the real story. It’s a question I’ve asked a lot of people recently; because I honestly care…

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Liver Olympics (MM #1786)

We just wrapped up the annual Country Radio Seminar. The convention has been affectionately known as the Liver Olympics for years. On a normal day in Nashville a LOT of beer is consumed. But when hundreds upon hundreds of radio and music people get together… it truly is an event….

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