mason minute

Simple Life (MM #1764)

Many people think that because I’ve been involved in the entertainment business for so many years I lead a pretty fancy lifestyle. But in all honesty I lead a simple life. At least I think that my life is simple. I guess it all depends on who you’re comparing me to…

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Live For Today (MM #1763)

I admit, I’m one of those people who live for today. I wish I could think about the future and things like retirement, but I get it honestly. I’m trying to get better, but it’s not easy…

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Lorraine Motel (MM #1762)

I’ve been to Memphis many times over the years, but never knew where the Lorraine Motel was located until recently. I should be ashamed. Today we honor MLK and the more I encounter the Lorraine Motel the greater significance it has for me, and many others…

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You Get Bupkis (MM #1761)

There are some phrases you’ve known forever, but you wonder where they came from. I heard someone utter the phrase ‘you get bupkis’ the other day and I laughed. Bupkis is a word I’ve known for years but I don;t know why…

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Really Long Time (MM #1760)

Have you ever noticed that your perception of time changes as you age? What seemed like a really long time when I was young seems like mere moments today. Okay maybe I’m exaggerating a bit, but time definitely shifts as you get older…

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Avoiding Germs (MM #1759)

We all hate germs. And usually about this time every year I’m fighting some sort of bug. But it looks like I did a good job avoiding germs this year during the holidays. When you don’t have kids you seem a little more susceptible to getting the crud…

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Those Golden Oldies (MM #1758)

When I was a young man, I used to get tired of people who only listened to Motown music. They loved those golden oldies, and as a know-it-all young person they drove me crazy. Of course fast forward a few decades later and it looks like I’ve become and old fogey too. While I’m not…

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Fine For Littering (MM #1757)

Driving down the road the other day I saw a sign that said “$50 fine for littering”. And it made me wonder, is litter still a problem in our world? I know that we’re still concerned with the environment, but is litter still a problem. I honestly haven;t heard people talk about litter for a…

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Epitome Of Cool (MM #1756)

By now it’s impossible to have missed the news that David Bowie has died. And like many, I’m amazed at how many people claim to be fans. To me, Bowie was the epitome of cool. I always dreamed of being that cool. Of course, I never had to worry…

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Feeling Entitled (MM #1755)

We all know that there a many problems with the world we live in today. One of the growing problems I’ve noticed is so many people feeling entitled. Some have always felt that way, but now it seems like an epidemic….

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