mason minute

Another Eclipse (MM #4765)

For many people, today is an exciting day. Another eclipse will traverse much of the United States. The last major eclipse that crossed the country was just seven years ago. While the path of today’s solar eclipse crosses a more significant part of the country than any other in our lifetime, it’s not like they’re…

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Too Cold (MM #4764)

While I understand the economics of sports, I honestly wonder why each league tries to keep extending the length of their schedule. Sure, more games mean more chances to make money. But sometimes, that doesn’t make sense. Take baseball as an example. Why are we playing games right now in most northern cities? It’s too…

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LTC (MM #4763)

The White House wants NASA to develop a new time zone for the Moon. You would think they would be more focused on the pressing issues in our world, but this is another priority. Because of the different gravitational field strength on the Moon, time moves quicker there relative to Earth. This new time zone…

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Just Walk Out (MM #4762)

For the last few years, Amazon has been experimenting with what they called just walk out technology. Their Amazon Fresh and Amazon Go stores had no cashiers or cash registers; your app tracked what you bought. Amazon hoped to sell the technology to other companies but wanted to iron out the problems in their few…

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Check The Date (MM #4761)

For decades, people got their news from a few trusted sources. For many, it was the daily newspaper or the nightly news on TV. But thanks to technology, that has changed. Now, we can get up-to-the-minute news on our phones any time of the day or night. But with many news apps, the stories aren’t…

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No School (MM #4760)

Middle Tennessee has always had to deal with severe weather. Severe storms, floods, and tornadoes happen often. And many feel that climate change is only making things worse. For the last week, weather people told us to prepare for bad weather on Tuesday. And while most areas stay weather-aware, we seem to panic. There was…

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Vegetables (MM #4759)

You hear it said when you’re a small child, make sure you eat your vegetables. Even as we age, our doctors constantly remind us that we need more fruit and vegetables in our diet. And even when you eat more, it likely still isn’t enough. Researchers have been tracking the nutrients in our veggies and…

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Chaucer (MM #4758)

It’s April Fools’ Day, one of my least favorite days of the year. I love a good joke, but I never got into pranks. I know this is something I talk about every year. It’s a day for amateurs to try to be funny, and they often fail. I always assumed that this was a…

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The Rules (MM #4757)

I watched a lot of this year’s NCAA Basketball Tournament. I’ve probably watched more men’s and women’s games than in recent years combined. And while the rules, for the most part, are the same as when I played back in high school, it’s not the same game. Today, the referees aren’t as critical to most…

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Heading Home (MM #4756)

For many, Spring Break is wrapping up. For the last week, our nieces and nephews from Indiana have been scattered throughout Florida, enjoying their time off from school. They’re heading home today and tomorrow and back hitting the books on Monday. While Spring Break isn’t new, it’s still strange to me even after all these…

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