mason minute

Grits And Cornbread (MM #1663)

I caught a few moments of a TV show the other night that was trying to identify the most southern foods. One person suggested grits and cornbread. While they’re enjoyed in the south are they truly southern foods?

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I Know That Song (MM #1662)

I can be anywhere and hear a few notes of a song and instantly think I know that song. But as I get older I often find out it’s not the song that I think it is. I’m hearing notes and riffs in one song that I’m familiar with in another…

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Yearning For Legroom (MM #1661)

It’s often tough being not only a big guy, but a tall guy too. I’m often yearning for legroom. Whether in a car, on a plane, or especially in stadiums and arenas legroom always seems to be at a premium.

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Too Old To Rock (MM #1660)

Sometimes we have to face some harsh realities. It looks like I’m not the party animal I once was. Okay, I wasn’t that big of a party animal, but… am I really too old to rock n roll?

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Gonna Be A Wild Day (MM #1659)

It’s gonna be a wild day. And when I say wild, I mean ‘wild card’. The Chicago Cubs are in the post season…sort of. Technically they have to win today to be in the playoffs. Many of my extended family members are feeling a bit stressed…

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The New Toll Booth (MM #1658)

The world of driving on a toll road continues to change. First, EZ Pass changed how tolls were handled, but the new toll booth isn’t actually a toll booth. It’s virtual. And of course there are some winners and some losers…

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The Biggest Issue We Face (MM #1657)

Like many people, I’m simply trying to make sense of what’s going on in the world. Of course gun violence and terrorism are some of the first things that people fear, but the biggest issue we face is one that everyone seems to be avoiding…

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Feeling Fourteen Again (MM #1656)

Today, for a brief moment I was feeling fourteen again. I just saw today’s date and instantly a vivid picture comes to mind. You do know what today is, don’t you?

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The Golden Age (MM #1655)

The other day I heard someone say that we were living in the golden age. But whenever I hear that term it makes me think back to the glory days of television. And if that’s what they were talking about I’m not sure we’re watching the same shows…

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Exposed To Drugs (MM #1654)

I wouldn’t say I led a sheltered life, but when it comes down to it I was just a simple Midwestern boy. Little did I realize back then just how much I was exposed to drugs…

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