mason minute

Potholes (MM #1450)

It’s been a rough winter throughout the south. And I’m not sure if everyone is having this problem, but we’ve had more potholes here in Tennessee than we’ve ever seen before. But these potholes aren’t normal sized they’re almost sinkhole sized…

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The Power Nap (MM #1449)

I’ve always been amused with the phrase “power nap”. I understand the concept, I’ve just never been able to grasp the power part. I’ve been grasping the nap part a lot lately, and I’m not sure if that’s a good thing…

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The Pareto Principle (MM #1448)

If you went to business school or studied economics you’re of course familiar with the Pareto Principle. And even if you’re not a business mogul you like know it by its common name; the 80-20 rule. I’ve actually been discussing the principle recently and it was applied to something I’d never thought of before…

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Circus Elephants (MM #1447)

This week, Ringling Brothers announced that they would no longer be featuring circus elephants in their performances beginning in 2018. And while I truly understand why so many people have been trying to make this happen, I’m still a little saddened…

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The Youth Of Today (MM #1446)

Every now and then I’m reminded just how much I’m ‘that old guy’. The youth of today remind me of that often! We got some snow the other day, and I wondered how long it would be before some enterprising youth would knock on my door and offer to shovel my sidewalk for money. The…

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The Mullet (MM #1445)

The mullet. All you have to do is see or say those words and it paints an immediate picture in your mind. While the mullet came to prominence in the early 90’s it’s actually been around a long time…

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Girl Scout Cookies (MM #1444)

Go ahead, admit it. You love Girl Scout Cookies. We all do. But why do they insist on selling them in January when everyone is just starting their New Years’ diet?

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Continuing Education (MM #1443)

I’ve always felt that it was important to continuously learn throughout our lives. Continuing education can come in many forms, college classes, learning annexes, and even in long conversations with interesting people. The other day I learned a ton about gluten…

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Cheers (MM #1442)

I’m sure when you hear the word ‘Cheers’ you automatically think of the TV show and the bar where everybody knows your name. I’m not a big drinker, but even I have a bar like that in my life….

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Time Management (MM #1441)

I’m one of those workaholics who tries to do their best when it comes to time management. I usually try to build places in my schedule for those unplanned moments. But sometimes even the best planning goes awry…

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