mason minute

Advanced Math (MM #1409)

We complained about advanced math classes as kids, and some still wonder why we were forced to take classes like algebra and geometry. But there may be some changes coming for today’s advanced math students…

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Parenthood (MM #1408)

No, I’m not going to share any advice on parenthood. Because if you’ve been listening to the podcast for even a short time you know that I’ve never been a parent. Today, I’m actually weighing in on the TV show called Parenthood…

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Hand Washing (MM #1407)

Your mother always reminded you that hand washing was extremely important. You know that properly washing your hands can keep many germs at bay, but this time year constant hand washing has its down side too…

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Jigsaw Puzzles (MM #1406)

This may seem like an odd question, but whatever happened to jigsaw puzzles? I know that they still sell them, but does anyone still do them?

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Feeling Deflated (MM #1405)

Over the course of the last week, all you have to do is say the word deflated, and everyone knows what you’re talking about; the New England Patriots and deflate-gate (or is it deflategate?)…

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Styrofoam (MM #1404)

After the holidays I realized that I needed to get some items to the recycling bin. But one thing I’m not sure about recycling is all the styrofoam that was included in the packages. Is styrofoam even recyclable?

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Jumbo Trash Cans (MM #1403)

Sometimes when convenience is pushed upon us it seems like a great thing at first glance, but as we live with the change we realize that it is going to cause more problems that what it’s worth. Take for example those jumbo trash cans that so many of us have today…

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I’m Bored (MM #1402)

If you’re a parent you probably hear this phrase uttered all the time: “I’m Bored.” I remember saying those exact words hundreds of time as a kid. But I recently realized that I can’t remember the last time I said…

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Getting Out Of Debit (MM #1401)

No, the title of today’s podcast doesn’t contain a typo. We’re not talking about debt, we’re talking about debit cards. My bank changed my debit card number on me the other day, and I learned something in the process…

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More Tax Form Headaches (MM #1400)

Tax time is here, and it looks like this year might even be more of a headache than we’ve seen in recent years. Thanks to healthcare reform (Obamacare) we now have more tax forms and paperwork to fill out; and that means it’s going to cost a bit more to get those taxes done…

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