mason minute

Helium (MM #4736)

Did you know that we’ve been experiencing a helium shortage over the last few years? It’s not something I think about very often because it’s not something I’ve used in years. I don’t need party balloons very often, so I’ve been unaware like many. But there’s good news out of Minnesota, where drillers think they’ve…

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Dirty Soda (MM #4735)

Have you heard about the newest beverage trend that is sweeping the country? It’s called the dirty soda, and thanks to TikTok, this once regional favorite is now sweeping the nation. Dirty soda started in Utah over a decade ago and has remained a regional favorite until last year. You mix soda, coffee creamer, and…

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Hyphen (MM #4734)

Even though I did very well in my English and grammar classes during my school years, I still struggle with one thing. When is it proper to use a hyphen? Now, let’s distinguish the hyphen and the dash. The dash separates two words, but there’s space on both sides of the punctuation mark. Yesterday’s Mason…

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Last Minute (MM #4733)

I’ve long wondered if researchers have ever studied why some procrastinate while others don’t. I don’t put everything off until the last minute, but the added pressure can be good. When I was in school, I delayed studying for any test as long as I could. My term papers were always last-minute efforts. These days,…

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Becoming A Grandparent (MM #4732)

As we get older, we all share many life experiences, But for those of us without children, it’s a bit different. There are so many points in adulthood I don’t have a benchmark. The other day, I read that Chili from the group TLC is becoming a grandparent at 53. Looking at the headline, I…

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Stressed Out (MM #4731)

These are very trying times. We’re all stressed out. There’s little we can do to avoid it. But some folks are more stressed than others. According to a recent survey, Tennessee is the most stressed state in the US. I should be surprised, but I’m not. Money, work, health, and family are all factors that…

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Insurance Prices (MM #4730)

I’ve never met anyone pleased with insurance prices. Whether you’re looking for auto rates or the cost of a homeowner’s policy, the costs are continually increasing. And those price hikes are only going to get worse. If you’ve had to renew any policies recently, you’ll likely notice that rates have skyrocketed. Many factors come into…

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Slot Cars (MM #4729)

One of my favorite hobbies when I was young was my slot cars. My parents got me my first track and cars in the early 1970s and was hooked. I used any money I saved to buy more cars and accessories. Like most hobbies, popularity comes and goes. But I always found time for some…

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Record Stores (MM #4728)

As I was scrolling through Spotify looking for music to play, I realized just how much I missed the record stores. While I do have everything I want to listen to available all the time online, the joy of searching isn’t the same. There was something magical about the record store. The big box stores…

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In Like A Lion (MM #4727)

The month of March is here, and if you believe folklore, it’s coming in like a lion. Don’t worry; it will leave like a lamb when the month is over. I don’t know when they taught us that old proverb, but I bet it was in 2nd or 3rd grade. And without fail, I think…

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