mason minute

Surf’s Up (MM #1261)

My life changed a ton back in 1978 when my family moved from Illinois to Virginia. And it’s hard to believe that I still literally carry with me many of the changes that came with that move. In fact I can look down right now and see one of those changes…

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No Matter Where I Am (MM #1260)

Something happens to me around this time of year, every year. I don’t know what it is, but I’m really feeling it right now…

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Scraps Of Paper (MM #1259)

We all have them laying around, but we just can’t get rid of them. We all have scraps of paper that we WANT to get rid of but don’t…

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Labor Intensive (MM #1258)

Labor Day is one of those holidays that many people look forward to. It’s not as popular as the 4th of July or Christmas, but for some people, probably the wrong people, they always look forward to it!

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Memphis (MM #1257)

There are some people, places, and things that seem to have a recurring presence in my life. I think all of us have some of those items in their life. For me, one of those recurring places is…

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Storage Wars (MM #1256)

I watch a lot of TV. You could possible accuse me of watching too much TV. And I’ve often thought that reality shows aren’t really….real. But I may have to rethink that.

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It’s A Gift (MM #1254)

Is it just me, or is gift giving getting to be more difficult? I didn’t used to have any problem finding the right gifts for family and friends…

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Take This Quiz (MM #1253)

Like many people, I was never a fan of the pop quiz during my school days. But now, I’m like a lot of people who look forward to a quiz every now and then…

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High Expectations (MM #1252)

I truly love what technology has done for us, but I often think that it’s changed us. Perhaps we’re a bit more jaded, or is it something else?

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