mason minute

Trivia Night (MM #5069)

Last night, I went out for drinks with a few of my coworkers. Some of our partners flew into Nashville yesterday. They have some meetings scheduled but want to get the team together after work. So we went down the street to one of our neighborhood bars. Like most places in Nashville, they have a…

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Fake (MM #5068)

I’ve been immersed in the social media world for nearly two decades. Looking back to the days of MySpace, I’m amazed at all the differences. Technology has changed it all. We could never imagine just how much. Today, we have to look at every post that hits our feed and wonder if it’s real or…

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Egg Shortage (MM #5067)

Today, we’re talking about the topic that won’t go away: eggs. The prices continue to rise, that is, if you can find them. Over the weekend, my wife went out for her regular weekly grocery shopping. All they had in the refrigerated section was a sign offering an apology, but no eggs. I don’t know…

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Fraternity (MM #5066)

When many young men go to college, one of the first things they look to do is join a fraternity. I briefly considered joining one during my freshman year but quickly realized it wasn’t the right fit. I’ve always been somewhat of a loner and prefer to surround myself with a small group of close…

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Dream Home (MM #5065)

Do you ever watch those home-buying shows on HGTV? My wife loves programs like Million Dollar Dream Home and House Hunters. I don’t understand how she tolerates them. While they’re not like those outrageous reality TV programs that are all the rage, they’re a bit twisted. The premise is simple. A couple is looking for…

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Dodgeball (MM #5064)

It’s an understatement to say that the world is much different than when I was in school. Sure, technology has played a significant part, but there are other vast differences. In my first computer class in high school, we used punch cards, and the computer filled an entire room. In Junior High School, one of…

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Betting (MM #5063)

I consider myself a casual sports fan. At one time in my life, like many youngsters, I was obsessed with sports. While playing baseball and basketball, I also knew a lot about football and hockey. But once I graduated from college, I didn’t pay quite as much attention. But I still try to keep up…

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Evening News (MM #5062)

There are some habits you simply can’t break. For me, it’s watching the evening news most nights. Sure, I can watch the 24-hour news channels, which I do, but I’ve been watching the nightly news for decades. In recent years, it’s just out of habit. Some of my most vivid memories from my youth were…

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Ticket Prices (MM #5061)

Most of us have a bucket list of the places we want to go or things we want to do in our lifetime. We all have dreams. Some of these items are easier to accomplish than others. Many of us put away a little money every chance we get to save for that bucket list…

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Price Of Eggs (MM #5060)

There’s a great deal of talk about the price of eggs, milk, and bread. Grocery staples are always key indicators of the economy. Right now, the cost of eggs is skyrocketing because of the bird flu. For some reason, even though chicken prices are also increasing, you don’t hear people discussing that. Now, chicken prices…

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