mason minute

Time To Retire (MM #4696)

Through the years, I haven’t thought much about retirement. I should have planned ahead, but I could never imagine calling it a day. I have some friends who started planning back when they were in their 20s. Most people stay where they’ve been living, but experts say you may need to move to get the…

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Swifties (MM #4695)

The stage is set for this year’s Super Bowl. The Kansas City Chiefs will face the San Francisco 49ers. Usually, people would discuss whether the Chiefs can win back-to-back titles. But this year, many will be more concerned with how much screen time Taylor Swift will get during the game. Taylor and her fans, the…

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Potholes At Night (MM #4694)

Like many cities, Nashville has a pothole problem. And because of our recent snow and ice storms, followed by a 50-degree warm-up, the roads have become dangerous. When you combine them with another road hazard here in Tennessee, the lack of working streetlights makes driving challenging. Dodging potholes at night around town is impossible. Not…

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Hot Sauce (MM #4692)

Last Monday was National Hot Sauce Day. Around our house, we celebrate at least two or three times each week. Right now, I think I have six or seven brands around the house. Some say most brands taste the same, but connoisseurs can tell the difference. In honor of this special day, Instacart released a…

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Multivitamins (MM #4691)

To stay healthy, many people take multivitamins every day. For kids, it starts with Flintstones Chewables, or maybe gummies. As we get older, popular choices are Centrum or One-A-Day. And even though some claim that these daily supplements don’t help you, many continue to take them out of habit. New research tells us that as…

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Fear Of Flying (MM #4690)

Airplanes have been in the news a lot lately. Last week, there was a problem with the door plug on the Alaska Airlines flight. Yesterday, I read a story about a passenger noticing some wing bolts missing on a Virgin Airlines plane. I’ve never had a fear of flying. I remember flying across the country…

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Snow Cream (MM #4689)

Last week, we had our first significant snowfall in a few years. Typically, Nashville only gets 4-5 inches of snow each Winter, But last week, we got nearly 8 inches in less than a day. And everyone wanted to take advantage of this rare occurrence. Naturally, many people went sledding. Some tried to build snowmen,…

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Overhead Signs (MM #4688)

I’ve been driving for a long time. And much about how we travel by car has changed over the years. We used to carry paper maps and now have that information on our phones. Until a few years ago, the radio was the only way to learn about traffic accidents. But now we have phone…

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Be Love (MM #4687)

Last weekend, while watching some of the NFL wild-card playoff games, I noticed that all players had the words ‘Be Love’ on the back of their helmets where the team name would usually be. I didn’t think anything of it. The league had used that space to share social messages in the past. But when…

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Cooped Up (MM #4686)

It doesn’t often happen, maybe every few years, but Nashville got walloped with a big winter storm this week. It’s nothing like the weather they get in places like Buffalo, but the 8 inches of snow we got this week nearly shut the town down. Then, two days after the snow, we were hit with…

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