mason minute

Mail Collection (MM #4655)

In recent years, postal theft has become a severe problem. Thieves steal both incoming and outgoing mail in your home mailbox. Plus, there has been an increase in theft from those big blue mail collection boxes. The postal service thinks they have a solution to the problem. They’ve created a high-tech mailbox. But they won’t…

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Smishing (MM #4654)

For years, scammers have been doing what they can to access our private information. Sending bogus emails has been a lucrative venture through the years, as many people still don’t recognize these phishing attempts. The criminals have followed along as more people have transitioned from email to text messaging. Security experts tell us that smishing…

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Oilers (MM #4653)

Most NFL fans know that the Tennessee Titans were once the Houston Oilers. While most teams that move from one city to another, like the Raiders, Rams, and Cardinals, retain their nicknames, the Titans’ owners decided to change their name once they moved to Nashville in the late 1990s. But for some reason, the team…

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Fingerhut (MM #4652)

The holiday season always reminds me of a catalog that we used to get in the mail. No, it’s not the Sears Wish Book or the J.C. Penney Christmas Book. The holidays always remind me of the Fingerhut catalog. The company still exists online but stopped mailing the catalog many years ago. We always looked…

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Car Antlers (MM #4651)

The other day, I was driving to work and saw my first set of car antlers for this holiday season. I’ve always wondered why people want to decorate their vehicles for Christmas. Sure, they can be cute, but they’re actually just silly. Over the last decade, I would see dozens of cars, if not more,…

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Tornadoes (MM #4650)

Last weekend, a couple of Nashville suburbs experienced deadly tornadoes. As the climate changes, our area is dealing with more of these violent storms. In the last four years, tornadoes have caused death and destruction within five miles of my home. We’re frequently under tornado warnings here in Middle Tennessee. And I’m stunned by the…

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Office Holiday Party (MM #4649)

The holidays are here; for many like me, it’s time for the office holiday party. For most of my life, I dreaded company parties. But my office has adapted the annual party into something that is honestly lots of fun. We don’t hold just one big party for everyone; we do things differently. We break…

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A Drop Of Water (MM #4648)

While many people drink coffee daily, more are becoming coffee snobs. Perhaps the increased number of coffee shops in towns big and small has made us more obsessive. I fall into the category of casual coffee drinkers. But I’m amazed at the extremes that some people go to searching for the perfect cup. The other…

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Exercise (MM #4647)

We all know that exercise is the key to living longer. But do people who exercise heavily live longer than those who only do so moderately or even just a little? Researchers from Finland found that extreme exercise is of little benefit to living a longer life. While exercise is essential, smoking and drinking also…

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Transfer Portal (MM #4646)

The college football season is winding down on the field. The bowl games are all left to play over the next month. I have a few friends that are obsessed with college football. Of course, they have a favorite team with nothing to do with where they went to school and have a fantastic knowledge…

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