mason minute

Age Difference (MM #190)

How much does age really matter?  My sister celebrated her birthday earlier this week and it got me to thinking….

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What To Do? (MM #189)

As I mentioned yesterday, I wrapped up last week with someone coming into my driveway and damaging the power line that goes into my house (Listen Here MM #188).  Naturally my biggest concern was exactly what I was going to do without power…

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One Of THOSE Weeks (MM #188)

Last week was one of those weeks!  You know what I’m talking about…  One of those weeks that you can’t wait for it to be over….

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Hands Off! (MM #187)

Everybody has a moment in time where they think they’d like to be a model.  Naturally since I’m a little strange I always thought about being a hand model…

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Talking Sports (MM #186)

I’m actually not as big of a sports fan as I was when I was younger, but one thing I’ve found is that even though I’m not the biggest fan I still spend a ton of time listening to sports talk radio…

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My Big Boy Pants (MM #185)

I’ve mentioned before, I’ve spent most of my working life in radio business and now the music business.  And because of those career paths I’ve never really had to be a suit and tie guy.  But recently I found out that I had bigger issues than dressing for success…

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The Hunt… (MM #184)

In a couple of recent Mason Minute episodes we talked  about our current search for a new place to live.  To say that it hasn’t been the easiest experience would be an understatement!  If you missed either of our house hunting episodes, you can catch up here (MM #158) and here (MM #160)…

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Shooting Straight (MM #183)

In yesterday’s Mason Minute we touched on the fact that many people these days have a hard time saying the word “no”.  (MM #182 Listen Here).  But I really think they have a bigger issue…

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No is O.K. (MM #182)

When I worked in radio I had a fellow manager who always used to say that “no is an okay answer”.  I only wished that everyone lived by that mantra…

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