mason minute

Another New Species (MM #4529)

I’m always fascinated when scientists can identify new forms of life. They often identify fossils of creatures that lived tens of thousands of years ago with the dinosaurs. Recently though, they found another new species. This one still lives in the ocean’s depths near Antarctica. It’s a distant relative of the starfish, and researchers think…

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School Bus Drivers (MM #4528)

Many cities and towns across America have a problem finding people willing to be school bus drivers. It doesn’t matter the size of the school system. Fewer people are eager to apply; the pay could be better; that’s just one part of the problem. It’s a thankless job. And in our divided political climate, it’s…

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Greed (MM #4527)

It’s silly to say that we live in interesting times, but it honestly seems that way. In the 1980 and 90s, many aspired to be yuppies. They lived by the adage that Gordon Gekko preached in the movie ‘Wall Street’; greed is good. But thanks to the economic divide we’re seeing today, I see the…

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New Phone (MM #4526)

I love technology. And like many, I often enjoy being an early adopter. But I rarely buy early or often when purchasing a new phone. Many of my friends buy a new cell phone every year or two. I’d love to do that, but I can’t justify the crazy costs. I like to buy the…

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Fried Shrimp (MM #4525)

One of my favorite meals growing up was fried shrimp and french fries. We’d buy the frozen shrimp and throw it in our deep fryer. I haven’t had any in years, but for some reason, I’ve had a craving for it lately. I rarely think about it since I haven’t owned a deep fryer in…

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The Most Errors (MM #4524)

Since the pandemic, many people have been researching work habits and focusing on productivity. Many employees prefer working from home, while companies want everyone back in the office. Recent research from Texas A&M has been tracking work habits and determining when we make the most errors. Can you guess the time each day when the…

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Accept The Consequences (MM #4523)

Recently there’s been a lot of talk about our First Amendment rights. Sure, some is political theatre, but it also plays in our daily lives. In my younger days, I learned a valuable lesson regarding free speech. It might be free, but you must accept the consequences if an authority figure takes issue with your…

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Economics Of Sports (MM #4522)

This time of year, people start talking about college football. The preseason rankings are out, but that’s not the hot topic. Many are discussing the changes in many of the college football conferences. The Big 12, Big 10, and SEC will add teams over the next few years. The Pac-12 is shrinking to four members….

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Worms (MM #4521)

You rarely read news stories about worms. But they’ve been in the news as Russian scientists have revived a pair of worms frozen in permafrost for 46,000 years. The goal is to study these prehistoric worms to learn the effects of climate change. That may seem far-fetched, but the scientists are confident…

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Cool Pavement (MM #4520)

It’s been the hottest summer for many cities across America. And whether it can be considered a heatwave or even climate change, large cities struggle because of the lack of green space. Nashville is currently testing a product that could help decrease the heat in our major cities. It’s called cool pavement, and this technology…

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