mason minute

Police Cars (MM #4513)

Like most cities, the speed limit in Nashville is only a suggestion during rush hour. Of course, drivers are always looking for police cars in their rearview mirror. And when they see one, drivers quickly slow down and observe the rules. It was easy when the police were driving big white Chevrolets, but now…

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Strawberries (MM #4512)

Hypertension has been something that I’ve been concerned with since my early twenties. So I’m interested anytime I can find information about ways to lower my blood pressure. Recent research says a slight change in my diet can make a big difference. A study from San Diego State University says adding two servings of strawberries…

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Tastee-Freez (MM #4511)

It was National Chili Dog Day a couple of days ago, and whenever I think of chili dogs, I think about John Cougar’s 1980s classic, Jack and Diane. It’s the song that made Tastee-Freez famous for those living across America. I grew up in the Midwest, enjoying hamburgers, chili dogs, and soft-serve from the Tastee-Freez….

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Silver Alert (MM #4510)

Most Americans are familiar with the Amber Alert program; It helps locate missing and endangered children. It was adopted nationwide over 20 years ago. A similar program started a few years ago, and it helps find missing senior citizens. In most states like Tennessee, it’s known as the Silver Alert. And while the program continues…

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Eat An Early Dinner (MM #4509)

Since the dawn of time, people who eat an early dinner are considered old. Others often tease them about being a senior citizen. But life has changed a lot over the last few years. Research has found that the number of people who eat dinner before 5 pm has risen significantly. Much of that is…

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Pop Culture (MM #4508)

I’ve been a collector for decades. It all started with political campaign buttons back in the 1960s. I’ve collected a wide variety, most centered on pop culture. I always said that someday I’d start to sell my collection. And after years of moving my stuff from town to town, it’s time to be a seller…

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A Little Petty (MM #4507)

Perhaps I’m being a little petty, but that doesn’t bother me. One of my pet peeves is when one of my subscription services decides to raise its price, but I read about it online days or weeks before I get notified by email. It’s happened with Netflix, and this week it’s happening with Spotify. I…

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Upgrade (MM #4506)

In recent years, many developers have changed their business model for apps and web tools. Many relied on advertising to make their money, but times are changing. Now, they provide a free version of an app or tool but limit what it can do. Their goal is to get you to upgrade to a paid…

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New Outlet Mall (MM #4505)

Back in my younger days, I spent a lot of time in malls, shopping centers, and outlets. Throughout my high school and college years, I worked in the mall and on the radio. I don’t spend as much time shopping anymore, but I frequently notice how much retail shopping has changed. They’re building a new…

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Swedish Fish (MM #4504)

When reaching for a sweet treat, many people turn to chocolate. I love chocolate but usually prefer something fruity. But when choosing candy, I often opt for Twizzlers, Red Vines, or Swedish Fish. Occasionally, my wife will pick up a couple of boxes at the store. And while I enjoy them, I can’t figure out…

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