mason minute

Another Prime Day (MM #4493)

It’s another Prime Day. Today and tomorrow are right behind Black Friday as the days that many shoppers love. When it comes to online shopping, if you can’t find it on Amazon, you likely can’t find it anywhere. Amazon has been teasing some great deals available over the next two days. The best part is…

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Chemicals (MM #4492)

Every one of us knows that everywhere we turn, there are man-made chemicals. They’re in our food, they’re in our cookware, and they’re in our tap water. Many of them are forever chemicals or PFAs, and recent studies have found that they’re in 45% of the tap water in the U.S. We’re still learning what…

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Ice Cream Float (MM #4491)

My wife came home from the grocery store recently; with a half gallon of vanilla ice cream and a six-pack of root beer. She was in the mood for a root beer float. I’ve enjoyed making ice cream floats since I was a kid. Sometimes I use Coke; other times, it’s orange or grape soda;…

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Too Hot (MM #4490)

This weather is tearing me up! We’ve had numerous storms, but that’s not the biggest issue. It’s too hot. Over the last week, the world has been experiencing the hottest average daily temperatures. We’ve been in the upper 90s nearly every day. Now I admit, I’m not built for this hot weather. Perhaps it’s my…

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Smart Shopping Cart (MM #4489)

An East Coast grocery store chain is testing a new smart shopping cart. It’s similar to the technology used by Amazon in their Go stores a couple of years ago. A small iPad-type device is attached to the cart handle and tallies every item you put into the cart. Many feel this is the future…

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Service Outage (MM #4488)

There’s strength in numbers; that’s what they’ve often told us. And the other night, I found out that was true in a new way. For the longest time, I thought a service outage and a service interruption were the same thing. My internet provider informed me that there was a difference. If one or two…

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Rear Windows (MM #4487)

I’ve noticed more cars and trucks here in Tennessee with tinted windows. People use the excuse that it helps keep the vehicle cooler, but I’m betting it has more to do with not wanting people to look inside. For years, people usually just darkened the driver and passenger side windows. But now, I see more…

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Top Songs (MM #4486)

I’ve never understood why radio stations feel the need to do special programs over the holidays. They never sound as good as regular programming. And this has been going on for decades. And I’m not just talking about AM and FM radio. Satellite radio is guilty too. I’ve been listing to the Classic Rock channel;…

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Razor Blades (MM #4485)

Years ago, my father warned me that there would come a day when I would hate shaving. And, of course, he was correct. Like most men, I hated shaving soon after I needed to do it daily. To this day, I shave as little as possible, many once or twice a week. My father, who’s…

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Pepsi Colachup (MM #4484)

For decades, hot dog lovers have argued whether it’s okay to put ketchup on a hot dog. I’m a purist who says ketchup has no business near that bun. But a company known for battling to change perceptions thinks they have a solution. The bottlers of Pepsi are getting into the condiment business for something…

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