mason minute

Hamburglar (MM #4414)

Back in the day, if you watched any television, it was hard to avoid Ronald McDonald and his McDonaldland friends. Every time you turned the channel, you’d see Mayor McCheese, Grimace, and the Hamburglar. But most of them disappeared years ago. You might see them on a Happy Meal box or in the Play Place,…

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Generation Alpha (MM #4413)

Our world is all about labels. We want to assign everything to categories. When discussing age, others typecast us by the group they associate us with. We all know the terminology; baby boomers, millennials, and gen x are often a topic of discussion. Get ready for the next group to make news, generation alpha…

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More Bugs (MM #4412)

Perhaps it’s my imagination, but I’ve noticed that we’ve been dealing with more bugs every year. I’m not worried about ants, wasps, bees, or hornets; you expect those. But for some reason, we’re seeing more gnats, June bugs, and stink bugs here in Tennessee. In just the last couple of weeks, we’ve had to trap…

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Juice Jacking (MM #4411)

Recently I’ve started seeing articles online telling us we should never use a public cell phone charging station. You often see them in airports, train stations, hotels, and malls. While they haven’t alerted us to extreme breaches, authorities warn us to beware of juice jacking. Whenever we try to charge our phone using a USB…

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Reverse Boycott (MM #4410)

We live in a very divided world. Every day we hear news of more boycotts and protests. Fans of the Oakland A’s are angry too. They’re tired of a team owner who won’t spend the money to put a winner on the field. The owners claim they need a new stadium to help them make…

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Hybrid Vehicles (MM #4409)

The government has announced that they want to increase the number of people who drive electric vehicles. Currently, only 10% of the cars and trucks on the road are electric. The EPA would like to see that number quickly grow. Much more needs to happen to make more people consider going green. Even though they’re…

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Local Honey (MM #4408)

If you’re one of the millions of allergy sufferers across the US, you’ve likely heard about one of the most popular home remedies for reducing your allergies. Some say a spoonful of local honey each morning will help reduce your symptoms. I’ve tried it a few times throughout the years and didn’t find it helps…

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The Wienermobile (MM #4407)

One of the most iconic symbols of advertising and marketing here in America is the Oscar Mayer Wienermoble. It’s been around since the 1930s. The other night, my wife and I saw the Wienermobile rolling through town while we ran errands. I’ve always loved that ‘hot dog on wheels’; and get excited whenever I see…

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Loaded Tots (MM #4406)

Domino’s has been running a commercial lately discussing how disappointing it is to order fries only to have them arrive soggy. Their solution to this problem is loaded, tots. Like many people, I love tater tots, but two things bother me about this solution. First, if you want to eat french fries, you want fries….

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Free Returns (MM #4405)

Over the last couple of decades, Amazon has become one of the biggest online retailers in the world. And one of the best parts about shopping on the site is that they offer free returns. You don’t even have to put your item back in the box. Just take them back to Kohl’s, Whole Foods,…

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