mason minute

Will It Play? (MM #4372)

For years, marketers lived by the mantra will it play in Peoria? For decades, companies would test products in Peoria, Illinois. If something worked there, it would likely be successful everywhere else. But times have changed, and now companies are using cities like Nashville to test a new idea…

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Time For Breakfast (MM #4371)

It’s time for breakfast. What do you have today? Pancakes? Waffles? Bacon and eggs? If you’re like most people, you’re probably having cereal. There are hundreds of choices you can make. I read an article the other day that ranked the top sellers. Some I’d expect, and some surprised me…

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The Bank (MM #4370)

Have you been to the bank lately? A lot has changed since the pandemic. Their hours are shorter, and there are also fewer tellers. Plus, many branch locations have closed. I’ve also noticed that transactions that used to take just a couple of minutes now take at least five or ten…

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Big Hole (MM #4369)

Looking out my office window, I stare down at a big hole. It used to be a parking lot, but soon it will be a 16-story mixed-use building called Society Nashville. There will be restaurants, shoppers, and condos. And when they finish that one, next year, another multi-million dollar project will get started right next…

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Opinions (MM #4368)

If you’ve listened to even just a few episodes of my podcast, you know I spend a ton of time on the internet. Sure, I post a lot, like a decade’s worth of daily podcasts and weekly video blogs. But I spend most of my time reading, listening, watching, and learning. And the one thing…

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Need To Know (MM #4367)

We live in a world that’s obsessed with so many things. And I may be exaggerating here, but the biggest obsession is with the lives of celebrities. We need to know everything about them; and what they’re doing at all times. I’ve discussed this before, but I wonder if this madness will ever stop. Actor…

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Slight Change (MM #4366)

I spend a lot of time on streaming services, both video and audio. And while I love the technology and the convenience, there is one thing they do that drives me mad. The video services like Netflix are the worst offenders. Every month or two, they adjust the artwork displayed for the movies and TV…

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Inside And Out (MM #4365)

When you spend a lot of time on social media, you start noticing a few things. I’m not sure what to call this, though. Perhaps it’s a humble brag. When men take a picture of their attractive wife or girlfriend, they always say she is beautiful inside and out. But is that really what they…

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Double Down (MM #4364)

KFC is bringing back a fan favorite to their menu. The Double Down sandwich is returning, but only for a limited time. It was one of their most popular items but disappeared nearly a decade ago. If you want one or more, you’d better act quickly. Now, maybe they’ll bring back one of my favorites…

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Free Blankets (MM #4363)

For years, the Shriner’s Hospital for Children has given free blankets to people who donate monthly. It seems like I’ve been watching those commercials forever. But recently, I’ve noticed other charities also giving blankets to monthly donors. Why blankets? Is there something special about them that causes people to want to donate? I’m all for…

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