mason minute

Free Blankets (MM #4363)

For years, the Shriner’s Hospital for Children has given free blankets to people who donate monthly. It seems like I’ve been watching those commercials forever. But recently, I’ve noticed other charities also giving blankets to monthly donors. Why blankets? Is there something special about them that causes people to want to donate? I’m all for…

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Noisy Neighbors (MM #4362)

Like many people, I’ve spent my time living in apartments. And it doesn’t matter if it’s big or small or how fancy the complex is; there’s one thing they all have; noisy neighbors. It could be loud music, late-night parties, or lots of yelling and screaming; in some ways, all apartments are the same. I…

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I Know That Feeling (MM #4361)

My nephew Ray’s basketball season is over. His school lost in the sectionals. I know he’s hurting. It was a tough loss. When you play team sports, there’s always a reason when you lose. You can blame the refs or a teammate, but you also blame yourself. I know that feeling. You feel empty and…

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Drywall (MM #4360)

Over the years, if you’ve done any indoor home repair, you’ve likely had to work with drywall. There aren’t many homes built in the last 60 years that don’t use it for the interior walls. In Nashville, we have so much building going on it’s a common sight to see construction dumpsters filled with leftover…

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How Did We Live? (MM #4359)

We’ve been on the road the last few weekends, and one thought keeps crossing my mind; How did we live without GPS? And now, thanks to our smartphones, we don’t even have to buy a device that costs hundreds of dollars. I started driving before GPS was available to the public, and I remember hassling…

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Budget-Friendly (MM #4358)

Yesterday on The Mason Minute, I took a trip down memory lane, remembering the old Steak And Ale restaurant. I only ate there a few times in my life. And while I enjoyed the experience, I usually opted for the more budget-friendly steakhouse options like Bonanza or Ponderosa. At one time, each of them fell…

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Steak And Ale (MM #4357)

Back in the day, if you wanted to impress a date, you took them to a fancy restaurant like Steak And Ale. They were famous for their prime rib and extensive salad bar. But, like many popular restaurant chains, they were sold one too many times and faded away in the early 2000s. Well, news…

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High School Basketball (MM #4356)

Over the years, I haven’t paid much attention to high school basketball. I cared when I sat on the bench in high school and even did some play-by-play broadcasts on the radio when I first started my professional career. But until this year, with one of my nephews playing, I finally started paying attention again….

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Separate Checks (MM #4355)

My wife and I have been together for a long time. And there’s one strange issue we’ve been dealing with since we started dating. Sometimes, when dining out, the waitress asks if we want separate checks when it’s time to pay. It doesn’t happen every time, but it happens more than my wife would like….

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Willing To Pay (MM #4354)

For years, many social media companies have wondered whether you’d be willing to pay for extra services. We’re about to find out as Twitter and Meta (Facebook and Instagram) are about to offer paid verification for their sites. Having a blue check mark next to your name on any of these platforms has been a…

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