mason minute

Neon Signs (MM #5029)

I’ve long been fascinated with neon signs. The glow of their lights is one of my earliest childhood memories. One of my hobbies is to take photos of them whenever I get the chance. Anytime I travel, I’m always on the lookout for a sign I’ve never seen. Nashville’s tourist area, Lower Broadway, is filled…

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Not Sure (MM #5028)

I don’t know if you experience this, but it throws my whole week off kilter whenever Christmas falls on a Wednesday. It’s not a bad thing. But since my routine is thrown off, I’m not sure what day it is. I know it’s Friday, but it sure doesn’t feel like one. I’m not complaining; it…

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Celebrating (MM #5027)

Today is my wife’s birthday. As we often do, we’re celebrating with family. It’s a combined Christmas and birthday celebration. When my wife was younger, she frequently got together with family to enjoy Christmas and her birthday combined. That’s one of the significant downfalls of having a birthday that falls so close to Christmas. The…

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Playing Santa (MM #5026)

Yesterday, I talked about my longtime love for NORAD’s Santa Tracker. Another one of my favorite holiday memories is playing Santa. Looking at me, you might think this was a recent event. While I’ve spent most of my adult life built like the jolly fat man, I actually wore the red suit over 40 years…

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NORAD (MM #5025)

Today is likely the busiest day of the year for the North American Aerospace Defense Command. You know them best as NORAD; they’re the organization that has been providing the Santa Tracker every year since the mid-1950s. There’s a lot of folklore about how the Santa Tracker started, but if it weren’t for the Cold…

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Shutting Down (MM #5024)

With the end of the year almost upon us, many businesses look at their books and ponder if they can survive another year. No company wants to call it quits, but sometimes, the reality stares you in the face. In the last few weeks, both Big Lots and Party City announced they were shutting down…

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Different Strokes (MM 5023)

We tend to watch a lot of reruns on TV, so we often watch TBS. Recently, they started promoting the new season of their game show, Wipeout. I know it’s been on and off the television for over a decade, but I still don’t get the appeal. I don’t begrudge anyone who watches and enjoys…

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Stay Put (MM #5022)

It may be the weekend before Christmas, but we’ve decided to stay put. Our Christmas shopping is done, but we have a few items we could pick up at the store. But the crowds are so crazy right now. Our malls are in high-traffic areas, and when holiday shoppers panic, the roads come to a…

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Fun Cities (MM #5021)

When people talk about the fun cities in America, places like New York, Chicago, LA, Las Vegas, and Orlando likely come to mind. Some might even include Nashville in that list. Well, WalletHub has done a study comparing 180 U.S. cities to determine their fun factor. And it’s not just counting how many bars, casinos,…

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Seat Squatters (MM #5020)

Do you have any travel plans for the holidays? If you plan on flying, you may encounter the latest scourage of the airways: seat squatters. People on TikTok are talking about them, and many airlines say they’re getting worse. If you have an assigned seat on an airplane, you might encounter someone already sitting in…

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