mason minute

Last Chance (MM #4213)

Many of my favorite rock stars from my youth are either gone or winding down their career. Elton John was in Nashville over the weekend, giving fans one last chance to see him live before he retires from the road. Many artists have performed on a farewell tour, only to hit the road again a…

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Studying Viruses (MM #4212)

Since the pandemic began in early 2020, scientists have been studying viruses more. And they’re not just focused on the Coronavirus. Experts have been trying to figure out how different viruses act. Some, like COVID-19, find weaknesses and strike quickly, while other viruses like HIV can sit dormant in the human body for years. Some…

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Beans (MM #4211)

My wife is away this weekend, so I thought about making a big pot of chili. You wouldn’t think a simple meal like chili would be controversial, but it is. And the hardest decision is whether to make it with or without beans…

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No Power (MM #4210)

My parents are hanging tough down in Florida after Hurricane Ian. They still have no power, but that’s the least of their concerns. Today is their 62nd wedding anniversary, and instead of going out to their favorite restaurant, they’ll be roughing it. Hurricanes have been a part of their marriage since the very beginning. It…

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Boxes (MM #4209)

I’ve had cats for many years. But it wasn’t until we adopted our current cat Bizzie that I learned how much cats love cardboard boxes. Most of our cats would hop in a box for a few minutes, but their interest would quickly fade. Not Bizzie. She has many boxes throughout the house that we…

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Hunkering Down (MM #4208)

As I mentioned the other day, my parents decided they were hunkering down to ride out the storm in Florida. So far, Hurricane Ian hasn’t been very kind. Many friends have reached out to check on my folks, and none were surprised that they stayed in place. But it did make me wonder why we…

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Dogs Bark (MM #4207)

We all know that dogs bark. But have you wondered why? In their long genetic history, we’ve bred canines to protect us. And by barking, they scare people away. Of course, there’s one frequent visitor that reminds a dog of its genetics; the postal carrier…

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Hurricane Watch (MM #4206)

Much of the southern U.S. has been on hurricane watch for the last few days waiting for the arrival of Ian. While I don’t have to worry about these severe storms here in Tennessee, I do always have to pay attention since my parents live on Florida’s Gulf Coast. They’ve lived in Florida for over…

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Traffic Delays (MM #4205)

If you live in a major city, traffic delays are a fact of life. You’d expect to deal with hassles in cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Houston. But the nightmare of getting to and from work can be nearly as bad in smaller towns…

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Cheating (MM #4204)

Do you ever get the feeling; that here in the U.S., we’re obsessed with stories about cheating? There’s been so much happening in the news this week. But everywhere I turn, I see a story about Maroon 5’s Adam Levine or the coach from the Boston Celtics. These stories have nothing to do with music…

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