mason minute

Body Cameras (MM #5019)

In many communities, body cameras are a controversial subject. Citizens are demanding police accountability, which makes many law enforcement departments uncomfortable. But what if employees at your favorite retailer started wearing cameras, too? Organized shoplifting is becoming a major problem for many stores. No longer is it just one person stealing a shirt or a…

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Out For Delivery (MM #5018)

I often say that advances in technology are great until they fail. Sometimes it’s the simple things. Years ago, you’d order something by mail and wait. The package would show up in days, weeks, or sometimes months. But now, we can track our packages online. The system is great, sometimes. Often, it just leaves me…

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Mysterious Drones (MM #5017)

I’m sure you’ve heard the news about these mysterious drones spotted in New Jersey. There are also reports they’ve been seen in Virginia. Federal and state government officials are concerned. They don’t know who’s operating the aircraft and worry someone might be spying on us. Some people claim that these drones are as big as…

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Reboots (MM #5016)

With hundreds of cable channels and dozens of streaming services, every content provider seeks a way to break through. It was much easier for shows to be successful back when there were only three or four television networks. With all of the ‘noise,’ it’s difficult to get noticed. While reboots aren’t new, they’re one of…

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Hickory Farms (MM #5015)

A couple of nights ago, we stopped at the mall. I was looking for a shirt, so we stopped at one of the department stores. I used to love going to the mall to shop and hang out. Much of my formative years was spent working at a jeans store. We had a lot of…

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Easy Targets (MM #5014)

In recent weeks, there have been numerous stories about burglars stealing from some of the top NFL players while they’re playing. Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce, and now Joe Burrow all had their homes robbed while they were ‘at work’. Like musicians, actors, and other celebrities, they’re easy targets. Thanks to the internet, we now know…

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Ruin My Night (MM #5013)

Every so often, I have to remind myself that most of my problems are first-world problems. Even though I sometimes complain, I have a great life. But I do have an Achilles heel. Like so many people, I’m addicted to the internet. I’m not one of those people who is always on their phone, but…

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Polarization (MM #5012)

How many different dictionaries are there? I’m betting there are over a dozen. I know of Cambridge, Oxford, Collins, and Miriam Webster. How many do we need? Don’t they all have the same words? Over the last few weeks, I’ve discussed some of the year’s words from these companies. Oxford gives us brain rot. Cambridge…

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Video Cameras (MM #5011)

I remember back in the 1970s when one of my friends got a portable camera to make home movies. Having a father who worked in television, I was familiar with the professional versions but never imagined having one at home. In the 80s and 90s, camcorders were everywhere. Now, almost everyone has video cameras in…

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Our World (MM #5010)

It’s been a little over a month since our presidential election. And I think our societal divide is getting worse. There is no middle ground anymore. And it’s not just America that is experiencing this divide. Many countries across our world are facing the same dilemma. But one thing tells me it could get worse…

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