mason minute

Happiest (MM #4203)

The last few years have been stressful for almost all of us. Researchers believe where we live plays into our mood and mental health. So they’ve been putting together data to figure out the happiest state across the U.S. It shouldn’t surprise you that it’s Hawaii. But where the rest of the states rank says…

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20 Quadrillion (MM #4202)

I was reading an article about ants the other day. It mentioned that scientists think that 20 quadrillion of them populates the earth. I’d heard of a quadrillion before but couldn’t fathom how significant the number was. I looked it up, and it came out to one million billion. That number itself is massive. Then…

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Autumnal Equinox (MM #4201)

Even though we were in the upper 90s yesterday, Fall will officially be here tonight. I often wonder how we began calling the Autumnal Equinox; Fall. Does it have something to do with leaves falling from the trees? There is one thing I know about Tennessee weather…

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Going Retro (MM #4200)

Going retro is a trend that seems to be happening with greater frequency. We’ve always had a culture that loves to look to the past, but today every business and brand with a heritage hopes they can ride a wave of nostalgia. Vehicles like the Mustang, Camaro, and Challenger are trying to recall their heyday….

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Confident (MM #4199)

I’ve always been a confident person; Some aren’t so kind. They call it bravado, arrogance, or ego. But when it comes to business, confidence is a good thing, no matter how you describe it. The other day I read an article that listed the 11 phrases you should remove from your vocabulary if you want…

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Bounce Back (MM #4198)

When I was younger, my body could quickly adapt to any change in my schedule. But as I’ve gotten older, any drastic changes to my routine affect me for a long time. It’s not as easy to bounce back after a shift in sleep patterns. Thanks to changes in our work schedules, both my wife…

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Waiting For Hours (MM #4197)

I’ve never been the most patient person. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to go with the flow a bit more. But the stories from England where people are waiting for hours to pay their respects to the Queen boggle my mind. Most people have stood in line for 8 to 10 hours. And…

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Confusion (MM #4196)

The other day I heard that old song by Bobby Russell called Saturday Morning Confusion. It wasn’t that of a hit back in the day, but for some reason, we still hear it every now and then, some 50+ years later. I used to love Saturdays, but now I often find myself in some confused…

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Need A Backup (MM #4195)

The way we conduct meetings has changed a lot. That’s partially due to technology. And, of course, the pandemic has impacted things over the last couple of years. But today, things aren’t often easy. And the lesson we all need to learn, you need a backup. Thanks to tools like Zoom, Teams, and Skype, there…

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Office Gossip (MM #4194)

For many years, companies, no matter their size, tried to keep office gossip to a minimum. But now, as they attempt to get employees excited about returning to the office, they’re using office gossip as a selling tool. It sounds a bit far-fetched, but it might work. While most people found that working from home…

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