mason minute

Crisis Line (MM #4193)

A few months back, I read an article about the government setting up a mental health crisis line that you could dial with only three digits, 988. Now I realize that remembering three numbers is much easier than remembering 10. And I admit, I was skeptical. If people don’t know the difference between 911 and…

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Royalty (MM #4192)

Can someone explain to me why we are so fascinated by British royalty? I understand that most of us have only known one Queen in our lifetime. But why are we obsessed with the bickering brothers, William and Harry? Right now, nothing else matters to many people. They can’t get enough news about the passing…

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Never Forget (MM #4191)

Yesterday was the 21st anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. After all of these years, the day still makes me pause. Everyone vowed they’d never forget. But I think many of us moved on, and that’s concerning. Some go through the motions of posting pictures on social media or asking the age-old question, “what were you…

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Large Frosty (MM #4190)

These days, I try to stay away from fast food. But every so often, I do get a craving. Recently we stopped at Wendy’s, and I got a large Frosty. My wife usually goes for the original chocolate. Depending on my mood, I’ll have either that or the vanilla-flavored treat. But I forgot that they…

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High School Football (MM #4189)

This time of year, Friday nights are all about high school football. I haven’t paid much attention to the sport until recent years, but now I have two nephews who play. I wish I could watch or listen to their games. We have the technology, but no one seems to care. Sure, it would be…

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Cereal For Dinner (MM #4188)

I’ve discussed my love of breakfast cereal in the past. I often ate cereal for dinner during college and my years as a struggling radio personality. But it’s not something I do today. It’s not because I don’t love it; it’s just not the healthiest option. Well, Kellogg’s wants to convince me and you to…

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Conserve Electricity (MM #4187)

In recent weeks, Californians have been ordered to conserve electricity. They’re experiencing some severe power grid issues. The state of Texas has been struggling with this same issue for years. And even in the states that don’t have extreme grid problems, power bills have skyrocketed. We’ve had years to prepare for this, but…

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Rude Behavior (MM #4186)

We may not like it, but rude behavior is something that we see more often today. While we don’t condone the attitude, most people simply shake their heads and walk away when they encounter a rude person. It’s only fitting that a new survey has identified the “rudest” cities in America. Nashville made this list,…

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Our Children (MM #4185)

Over the last few years, there’s been a lot of discussion about how we should teach our children in school. And while there are many opinions, there don’t seem to be any solutions. Over the holiday weekend, I spent some time with my wife’s family. Many of them work in education, and what they told…

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Does Anyone Care? (MM #4184)

Today is Labor Day. It’s the day we set aside yearly to honor the working men and women across the land. But after some thought, I have to ask, does anyone care? Sure, everyone loves having the day off. But do you really concern yourself with the plight of today’s blue-collar workers? You may want…

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